

英 [ˈrentʃɪz]

美 [ˈrentʃɪz]

v.  猛拉; 猛扭; 猛拧; 扭伤(脚踝、肩膀等); 使痛苦,使十分难过(尤指以致哭喊出声)
n.  扳钳; 扳手; (离别的)痛苦,难受; 猛扭; 猛拉


  • VERB 猛拉;猛拧;猛拽
    If youwrenchsomething that is fixed in a particular position, you pull or twist it violently, in order to move or remove it.
    1. He felt two men wrench the suitcase from his hand...
    2. He wrenched off his sneakers...
    3. They wrenched open the passenger doors and jumped into her car.
  • VERB 挣脱;挣开
    If youwrenchyourself free from someone who is holding you, you get away from them by suddenly twisting the part of your body that is being held.
    1. She wrenched herself from his grasp...
    2. He wrenched his arm free...
    3. She tore at one man's face as she tried to wrench free...
    4. I wrenched my hand away from my attacker.
  • VERB 扭伤(关节)
    If youwrenchone of your joints, you twist it and injure it.
    1. He had wrenched his ankle badly from the force of the fall.
  • N-SING (离别时的)痛苦,愁楚
    If you say that leaving someone or something isa wrench, you feel very sad about it.
    1. I always knew it would be a wrench to leave Essex after all these years...
    2. Many of the things are of great sentimental value and it is going to be a wrench parting with them...
    3. Although it would be a wrench, we would all accept the challenge of moving abroad.
  • 扳钳;活动扳手
    Awrenchor amonkey wrenchis an adjustable metal tool used for tightening or loosening metal nuts of different sizes.
    1. PHRASE 作梗;阻挠
      If someonethrows a wrenchorthrows a monkey wrenchinto a process, they prevent something happening smoothly by deliberately causing a problem.
      1. Their delegation threw a giant monkey wrench into the process this week by raising all sorts of petty objections.
    2. in BRIT, use 英国英语用 throw a spanner in the works


    • I've seen woodworkers even go as far as to affix the wrenches to the power cables so there is NO chance they'll forget to disconnect the power.
    • Do not use conventional pipe wrenches.
    • This thesis generalizes this approach to cover point contact with friction and soft finger contact. The sets of feasible contact forces, feasible resultant wrenches, consistent infinitesimal motions, and consistent functional movements are defined. Their properties and relationships are clarified with distinct figures.
    • As an assembly tool of the big diameter bolts, hydraulic torque wrenches have many advantages, such as big output torque, easy operation, being able to be used conveniently in the incommodious room, and comparatively precise control of the magnitude of torque.
    • The Calibration for Mass Torsion Machine and Investigation of Designing Torsion Wrenches
    • Design of the Die for Both-Ended Circular Wrenches
    • And it's an aching, torturous love which wrenches the lower extremities.
    • There is a good deal of evidence that other and less beneficent motives sometimes make its wheels go round, tinker with its governors, and handle monkey wrenches carelessly.
    • At the same time using the main bearing bolts bolt tension device and the level of electric wrenches and other tooling in accordance with the process set for fastening, fastening assembly after the data fully in line with requirements, so the preceding analysis and calculations are correct.
    • "A Palestinian child crying in Gaza wrenches a mother's heart in Ankara," Erdogan told the Arab League in Cairo on Tuesday, using language calculated to delight Arab masses.