英 [ˈwaɪldɪst]
美 [ˈwaɪldɪst]
adj. 自然生长的; 野的; 野生的; 天然的; 荒凉的; 荒芜的; 缺乏管教的; 无法无天的; 放荡的
- ADJ (动植物)自然生长的,野生的,野的
Wildanimals or plants live or grow in natural surroundings and are not looked after by people.- We saw two more wild cats creeping towards us in the darkness...
我们看见又有两只野猫在黑暗中悄悄向我们靠近。 - The lane was lined with wild flowers.
- We saw two more wild cats creeping towards us in the darkness...
- ADJ-GRADED (土地)天然的,荒芜的,荒凉的
Wildland is natural and is not used by people.- Elmley is one of the few wild areas remaining in the South East.
- Elmley is one of the few wild areas remaining in the South East.
- N-PLURAL 荒野;远离城镇的地区
The wildsof a place are the natural areas that are far away from towns.- They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada.
- They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada.
- ADJ-GRADED 有暴风雨的;多风暴的;狂风暴雨的
Wildis used to describe the weather or the sea when it is stormy.- The wild weather did not deter some people from swimming in the sea.
- The wild weather did not deter some people from swimming in the sea.
- ADJ-GRADED 疯狂的;狂热的
Wildbehaviour is uncontrolled, excited, or energetic.- The children are wild with joy...
孩子们欣喜若狂。 - As George himself came on stage they went wild...
乔治本人走上台时,他们都变得十分狂热。 - They marched into town to the wild cheers of the inhabitants.
- The children are wild with joy...
- ADJ-GRADED 难以约束的;不受控制的;放荡的;无节制的
If you describe someone or their behaviour aswild, you mean that they behave in a very uncontrolled way.- When angry or excited, however, he could be wild, profane, and terrifying...
但愤怒或激动的时候,他也会发狂、会骂人、令人生畏。 - She lived a wild and incredible life...
她过去的生活极其放纵。 - The house is in a mess after a wild party.
- When angry or excited, however, he could be wild, profane, and terrifying...
- ADJ-GRADED 愤怒的;狂怒的
If someone iswild, they are very angry.- For a long time I daren't tell him I knew, and when I did he went wild.
- For a long time I daren't tell him I knew, and when I did he went wild.
- ADJ-GRADED (因恐惧、愤怒或精神失常而)双目圆睁的,眼睛瞪大的
If you say that someone haswildeyes or awildlook, you mean that their eyes are wide open and staring because they are frightened, angry, or insane.- She could see his face now, his eyes wild and his skin glistening with perspiration...
她现在可以看见他的脸了,他的眼睛瞪得溜圆,皮肤上闪着汗水。 - I could not forget the wild look in his eyes.
- She could see his face now, his eyes wild and his skin glistening with perspiration...
- ADJ-GRADED (想法)非同寻常的,极端的;(猜测)未经思索的,胡乱的
Awildidea is unusual or extreme. Awildguess is one that you make without much thought.- I was just a kid and full of all sorts of wild ideas...
我不过是个孩子,充满各种奇异的想法。 - Browning's prediction is no better than a wild guess.
- I was just a kid and full of all sorts of wild ideas...
- See also:wildly
- PHRASE 狂热地迷恋;极为喜欢
If youare wild aboutsomeone or something, you like them very much.- I'm just wild about Peter, and he's just wild about me...
我为彼得疯狂,他对我也一样。 - Irene was wild about the play.
- I'm just wild about Peter, and he's just wild about me...
- PHRASE 在自然环境中;处于野生状态
Animals that livein the wildlive in a free and natural state and are not looked after by people.- Fewer than a thousand giant pandas still live in the wild.
- Fewer than a thousand giant pandas still live in the wild.
- PHRASE (事物)疯狂发展;(尤指小孩)恣意妄为,失去控制
If something or someone, especially a child,runs wild, they behave in a natural, free, or uncontrolled way.- Everything that could grow was running wild for lack of attention...
凡是能长的都因为缺乏照管而疯长一气。 - Molly has let that girl run wild.
- Everything that could grow was running wild for lack of attention...
- beyondyourwildest dreams→ see:dream
- The library was enlarged and enriched beyond our wildest dream.
图书馆扩大、充实了,这超出了我们的预料。 - Or are you drawn somehow to this strange clown, perhaps because he acts out your wildest fantasies?
或者是你莫明其妙地被这个奇怪的小丑所吸引,也许是因为他表现了你最疯狂的幻想? - Never in his wildest dreams would he expect such a big increase in value.
这超出了他最大的想像,能如此大的升值。 - The amount of money we raised was beyond our wildest dreams.
我们筹集到的钱的数目之大完全超出了我们的意料。 - Yet, far beyong my wildest imagination, God had something much more meaningful in store for me.
然而,大大超乎了我的异想天开,上帝给我准备了更有意义东西。 - You can make your wildest dreams come true.
你可以让自己最疯狂的梦想成真。 - But then suddenly something happened to me, which I had never expected even in my wildest dreams.
不过后来突然有一件事发生在我头上了,这件事是我白日做梦也没有想到的。 - And so ended a remarkably successful visit-successful beyond my wildest dreams.
一次非常成功的访问这么结束了――其成功大出我之所望。 - They promised him he would soon be rich beyond his wildest dreams.
他们对他保证说他能很快变得比他想象的还要富有。 - All of my wildest dreams have come true.