英 [ˌwel ˈɡraʊndɪd]
美 [ˌwel ˈɡraʊndɪd]
adj. 有充分理由的,有充分根据的
- Accordingly, well-grounded analytic judgments must draw not only on resources internal to the particular instance under examination, but also on more general patterns of conduct.
因此,良好的接地的分析判断,必须借鉴不仅根据检查的特定实例的内部资源,但也更普遍的行为模式。 - The seemingly accidental incident of the Japan textbooks is in fact well-grounded.
日本教科书事件的出现看似偶然,但实则冰冻三尺,非一日之深。 - He is well-grounded in English.
他的英语根基良好。 - If we accomplish this, we shall gain more benefits and lay a more solid foundation than ever in our work. Here a lofty mind finds fit place, and well-grounded confidence finds its opportunities.
如果把这一点抓住了,我们将来得到的益处大,基础就更扎实了。胸怀高远者总能找到用武之地,基础扎实者必能发现天赐良机。 - Need to find a therapist well-grounded in the latest research?
你需要寻找一名深谙最新研究的治疗师吗? - This definition is well-grounded and rigorous.
这个定义有其充分的理据,而且非常严谨。 - Economic anxiety is well-grounded, according to an analysis by Georgetown University.
乔治城大学的一项分析显示,人们对经济形势的担忧是有理有据的。 - It probes into the subject matter mainly in three respects, i.e. the power of patronage, cultural bondage and aesthetics, each backed up with an abundance of theoretical analysis and relevant examples to make the argumentation well-grounded and illuminating.
全文主要从赞助人的力量、文化束缚和审美意识三个方面展开讨论,以大量的理论分析和相关例子为支撑进行论证。 - After nine years'accumulation and precipitation, our company is so well-grounded that we are going to hold it in the Shanghai World Expo Hall this year with a whole brand-new packaging and image.
九年积累九年沉淀,厚积薄发,本届起SLF华丽转身移师世博馆举办,全新的包装与形象,定位高起点服务深层次,突出品牌,演绎时尚,汇聚精品,彰显品质。 - Attract talented people widely and help them grow on a well-grounded platform with lifelong training foresight.