adj. 不坚固的;不结实的;空心的
- lacking material form or substance
- as insubstantial as a dream
- an insubstantial mirage on the horizon
- Within a minute afterwards, he was, to all outward appearance, as unsubstantial as ever.
此后不到一分钟他的神色又跟过去完全一样满不在乎了。 - Analyses the unsubstantial aspect in the management of college fixed assets.
分析了目前高校固定资产在管理上存在着薄弱环节。 - The main representation is: Subject awareness is imperfect; law awareness is unsubstantial; morals awareness is weakening;
主要表现有:主体意识缺乏、法治意识淡薄、道德意识不强、团体意识缺失。 - And the relationship between image metadata and CBIR is also unsubstantial.
基于内容图像检索和图像元数据联系相对薄弱。 - At present, the checking computation of collapse preventing performance of architecture is realized by calculating the plastic displacement between layers of the unsubstantial layer under the action of the rarely met earthquake.
目前,我国建筑防倒塌验算是通过对罕遇地震作用下对薄弱层的层间弹塑性位移的验算来实现的。 - In the high power CO2 laser system, optical films? are usually important and unsubstantial.
在高功率CO2激光系统中,光学薄膜作为光学元件一个组成部分,通常是重要而又薄弱的环节。 - His arms enclosed only on unsubstantial image.
他双臂抱住的却是一个虚无漂渺的形象。 - Disappointed of its real womanhood, it had not succeeded in becoming boyish, and unsubstantial, and transparent;
在完成一个真正的女性上,这身体是挫败了,它没有成就一个童男似的透明无理的身体; - Teacher level: lacking of questioning techniques, an unsubstantial classroom organization way, general and monotonous response by teacher, lack of uniqueness and diversity of teaching style.
教师层面:教师匮乏提问技巧、课堂组织形式缺少实质性、教师回应方式笼统单调、教学风格缺乏独特性与多样性。 - Depositing process mechanics is the unsubstantial part, study on physical characteristics indexes of farmland sediment for check dam is very important for depositing process mechanics.