网络 无可置疑的; 无可置否的
- not open to question
- undeniable guilt
- indisputable evidence of a witness
- This will give rigor to the approach and allow for linking the outcome to the system architecture in an undisputable way.
这使得该方法非常严谨,并且允许一种以无疑的方式将结果与系统架构链接起来。 - Diversified raw materials is a necessary trend to develop biomass energy sources industry, developing biomass energy should not conflict with land and food, it is undisputable our basic principles.
原料多元化是发展生物质能源产业的必然趋势,不与地争、不与粮争是我国发展生物质能源的基本原则。 - The cultural region research undisputable becomes one of cultural geography research core questions.
文化区域的研究无可厚非的成为文化地理学研究的核心问题之一。 - In the reality of current consuming society, it is an undisputable fact that literary Aestheticism is turning increasingly leisure, entertaining and mass consumptive, which is in line with the natural law of Aestheticism development.
在当下消费社会现实中,文学的审美观念向休闲、娱乐的大众消费转变已是不争的事实,也是审美意识发展的自然规律。 - It is undisputable that the protection of the holder in due course in letters of credit transaction shows very different pictures in different countries.
信用证交易中正当持票人的权益保护在各国司法实践中的表现不一已是不争的事实。 - The population structure change is an undisputable fact. Social changes have been weakening the function of the traditional family security, and the demand of the old-age caring has been increasing dramatically.
人口结构的改变已是一个不争的事实,社会变迁带来了家庭养老功能的弱化,造成的直接影响就是老人照料需求的迅速增加。 - Answer: It is undisputable that make up is a means to create beauty, but it is not the only means.
回答:用化妆品来创造美无可争议也是一种方式,但不是唯一的。 - Although Europeanization is an undisputable fact and is still continuing in the contemporary language, we cannot accept it altogether without discrimination.
汉语的欧化是一个不争的事实,而且欧化现象在当代,乃至将来仍会继续,这是由于语言是开放的动态系统这一性质决定的。然而,任何事物都具有两面性。 - Microsoft is an undisputable software giant.
微软是软件业无可争辩超强企业。 - This is originally undisputable, however, in the history, actually repeatedly appears wrong regards the educational reform key point the education development logic of the key point to be chaotic.