

英 [ˈʃʊənəs]

美 [ˈʃʊrnəs]

n.  沉着自信; 胸有成竹; 有把握; 确信不疑

BNC.34978 / COCA.33137



    • 沉着自信;胸有成竹;有把握;确信不疑
      the quality of being confident and steady; not hesitating or doubting
      1. an artist's sureness of touch
      2. her sureness that she had done the right thing


    • ADJ-GRADED 确信的;确知的;肯定的;有把握的
      If you aresurethat something is true, you are certain that it is true. If you are notsureabout something, you do not know for certain what the true situation is.
      1. He'd never been in a class before and he was not even sure that he should have been teaching...
      2. The president has never been sure which direction he wanted to go in on this issue...
      3. She was no longer sure how she felt about him...
      4. It is impossible to be sure about the value of land.
    • ADJ 一定的;必定的;无疑的;确保的
      If someone issure ofgetting something, they will definitely get it or they think they will definitely get it.
      1. A lot of people think that it's better to pay for their education so that they can be sure of getting quality...
      2. It is the self-assurance of the new generation which makes them sure of their success.
    • PHR-MODAL (事情的发生)一定,必然
      If you say that somethingis sure tohappen, you are emphasizing your belief that it will happen.
      1. With over 80 beaches to choose from, you are sure to find a place to lay your towel...
        有 80 多个海滩可供选择,你一定能找到一处满意的。
      2. Anyone who goes food shopping without a list is sure to forget the things they really need.
    • ADJ-GRADED 不容置疑的;确切的;可靠的;保险的
      Sureis used to emphasize that something such as a sign or ability is reliable or accurate.
      1. Sharpe's leg and shoulder began to ache, a sure sign of rain...
      2. She has a sure grasp of social issues such as literacy, poverty and child care.
    • ADJ-GRADED 一定的;务必的
      If you tell someone tobe sure todo something, you mean that they must not forget to do it.
      1. Be sure to read about how mozzarella is made, on page 65...
        务必看看莫泽雷勒干酪是怎么制成的,在第 65 页。
      2. Be sure you get your daily quota of calcium.
    • CONVENTION 是的;当然;没问题
      Sureis an informal way of saying 'yes' or 'all right'.
      1. 'He rang you?' — 'Sure. Last night.'...
      2. 'I'd like to be alone, O.K?' — 'Sure. O.K.'...
      3. 'We'll phone and you can make an appointment.' —'Sure. What time do you want to go?'
    • ADV 确实;的确
      You can usesurein order to emphasize what you are saying.
      1. 'Has the whole world just gone crazy?' — 'Sure looks that way, doesn't it.'
      2. It sure is hot, he thought.
    • PHRASE 果真,果然(尤用在讲故事时)
      You saysure enough, especially when telling a story, to confirm that something was really true or was actually happening.
      1. We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious...
      2. I was in a shop when I saw a lady looking carefully at me. She'd recognised me, and sure enough, she came across.
    • PHRASE 无疑;肯定
      If you say that something isfor sureor that you know itfor sure, you mean that it is definitely true.
      1. One thing's for sure, Astbury's vocal style hasn't changed much over the years...
      2. Even to this day we don't know what happened for sure.
    • PHRASE 一定要;设法保证
      If youmake sure thatsomething is done, you take action so that it is done.
      1. Make sure that you follow the instructions carefully...
      2. He wants to make sure that schools are committed to providing alternative education.
    • PHRASE 查明;核实;弄清
      If youmake sure thatsomething is the way that you want or expect it to be, you check that it is that way.
      1. He looked in the bathroom to make sure that he was alone...
      2. Before you cut the cloth, make sure that the pattern matches up on both edges.
    • PHRASE 当然之事;必然之事
      If you say that something is asure thing, you mean that you are certain that it will happen or be successful.
      1. This proposal is by no means a sure thing.
    • CONVENTION 当然,一定(表示同意)
      You say 'sure thing' to show that you agree with someone or will do as they say.
      1. 'Be careful!' — 'Sure thing, Dad. So long.'
    • PHRASE (承认属实)诚然,固然,无可否认
      You useto be surewhen you are admitting that something is true, although it seems to contradict a more general statement that you are making.
      1. Parents make the rules. To be sure, many of the rules are no longer appropriate today.
    • PHRASE 自信;确信
      If you aresure of yourself, you are very confident about your own abilities or opinions.
      1. I'd never seen him like this, so sure of himself, so in command.




    • The sureness of value has determined the choice of the function, and the concept needs the definite boundary.
    • She went quietly and busily clucking around, laying the eggs and mothering the chickens in a kind of anxious dream that still was full of sureness.
    • Weifang Jinshuai Machinism co., Ltd sticking to the company spirit of credit, sureness, deploitation and innovation, uses eximous techniques and creative process design to figure a national brand, leads dominant idea of new automatization tide, and continuously develops new products and new market.
    • This example shows how important it is for the expectation analyst to consult with other team members in order to discover "hidden" expectations and accurately estimate the sureness factors.
    • Leave the young believer to discover the roughness of the road by degrees, but tell him of the strength which dwells in God, of the sureness of the promise, and of the charms of communion with Christ.
    • Because firstly, hope is not sureness, hope is directly connected with the possibility of disappointment and it contains troublesome, circuitousness, setback and failure;
    • Add the attribute sureness factor to the type expectation and other dependent requirements
    • Requirements with sureness factors below the threshold may not yet be mature enough or may not fall within the project scope; they should be revalidated before you confirm them.
    • Finally, apply this method to the sureness of the product classification of a region and leading products, an example is given to show the feasibility and availability of this method.
    • There is an ease, a sureness, a lightness of touch, that comes from mastery.