英 [sʌbz]
美 [sʌbz]
n. 替补队员; (向俱乐部等定期交纳的)会员费; 助理编辑; 审校人
v. (在比赛中)替换(队员); 暂代(某人)工作; 替班; 代用; 替代(尤指通常使用的东西)
- N-COUNT 替补队员
In team games such as football, asubis a player who is brought into a match to replace another player.- We had a few injuries and had to use youth team kids as subs.
- We had a few injuries and had to use youth team kids as subs.
- 同 submarine
Asubis the same as asubmarine. - N-PLURAL (向俱乐部、协会缴纳的)会员费
A fixed amount of money that you pay regularly in order to be a member of a club or society is called yoursubs.- Subs will be raised as from next year.
- Subs will be raised as from next year.
- I know! How about the Russians just retire them and then in an act of good faith we match the reductions to our subs& missiles to maintain balance?
我知道了!俄罗斯刚刚退役核潜艇,然后以一个善意的举动,我们削减我们的潜艇和导弹与之相匹配以保持平衡? - In2007, American subs went to sea for long term operations ( this is called "patrols") seven times more often than Chinese boats.
在2007年,美国潜艇去海洋长期操作(这叫做“巡逻”)比中国潜艇高七倍。 - As such, does this reduce the value of U.S. financial subs in Asia?
那么,这个因素会降低美国在亚洲金融子公司的价值吗? - We had a few injuries and had to use youth team kids as subs.
我们有几名队员有伤,只好用青年队的小队员做替补。 - The Chinese subs had their electronics and sonar systems replaced with French equipment, and three may have been fitted with C-801 Ynng Ji8 ( Eagle Strike) ASCM ( submarine launched cruise missile).
说改建的潜艇都被换装了法国电子和声纳设备,其中三艘可以装c-801和潜射巡航导弹。 - As to the safety of the Russian subs, well they managed to get around for plenty of years without too much trouble.
至于俄罗斯潜艇的安全性,他们运行很多年并且没有太多的麻烦。 - Private functions, subs, and methods are not exposed through the Web services interface.
私有函数、子元素和方法不会通过Web服务接口公开。 - You can also call other functions and subs ( outside of the class), and you can even call classes, functions, and subs from script libraries that are referenced with a Use statement.
也可以调用其他函数和sub(类以外的),甚至可以使用Use语句引用script库,从script库中调用类、函数和sub。 - FM, put it more bluntly: "apple just____ over online music subs for the iPhone."
•Last.fm的联合创始人理查德•琼斯说得更直白:“苹果对iPhone在线音乐服务宣判了死刑。” - These two subs are not properly aligned, as you can see from this position.