网络 指讶异得心魂失措; 麻木; 麻木状态; 惊慌失措
BNC.44825 / COCA.38654
- the action of stupefying
- the professor was noted for his stupefaction of the students
- marginal consciousness
- his grogginess was caused as much by exhaustion as by the blows
- someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor
- a feeling of stupefied astonishment
- The two young men looked at each other with an air of stupefaction.
两个青年人瞠目结舌地互相望了一下。 - Big horse play forward rolls stupefaction audience!
马大玩前滚翻惊呆观众! - He had all the drawers open, to steve's stupefaction.
使史蒂夫不胜惊异的是,此人竟让所有的抽屉都开着。 - Because of the drugs he was in a state of stupefaction by the time we found him.
由于服用了毒品,当我们发现他时他已经昏迷不醒了。 - Bear markets often end not in capitulation but stupefaction.
熊市的尽头往往是投资者的茫然麻木而非大举溃退。 - It was a day of lightning brilliancy; in fact, a crumbling of the military monarchy which, to the vast stupefaction of kings, drew all the kingdoms after it& the fall of force, the defeat of war.
那确是一个风驰电掣的日子,好战的专制政体的崩溃震动了所有的王国,各国君王都为之大惊失色,强权覆灭,黩武主义败退。 - An expression of glazed stupefaction.
双目呆滞的恍惚神情。 - Valentine witnessed this scene with a sentiment of stupefaction.
瓦朗蒂娜茫然地望着眼前这一切。 - Flood, who had been staring at the boy fixedly during all this conversation with his heavy expression of a slow, intent and brutal stupefaction.