英 [ˈsɪŋɡl seks]
美 [ˈsɪŋɡl seks]
adj. (学校)单性别的,分男女的
- ADJ (学校)单性别的,分男女的
At asingle-sexschool, the pupils are either all boys or all girls.- Is single-sex education good for girls?
- Is single-sex education good for girls?
- Do you prefer single-sex schools or mixed schools?
你赞成男女分校还是男女合校? - But single-sex housing is usually also available.
但是单一性别的房子通常是空闲的。 - Prof Sands says that the single-sex classroom helps women gain confidence.
桑兹教授表示,单一性别班级有助于女性增强自信。 - They feel their sons are more likely to grow up'fully rounded'at a single-sex school, instead of merely'half a boy'at some co-educational schools.
他们觉得在男女混校受教育,男孩的本性容易变弱。 - Beth: Coed schools might help ease the transition to adulthood, but single-sex schools can encourage children to achieve more.
男女合办的学校很容易帮助学生过渡到成年期,而单性学校却能鼓励学生更好地达到学习的目标。 - Beth: Perhaps, but on the flip side, single-sex schools are able to break down gender stereotypes that may form when boys and girls go to school together.
可能是,但事情的反面,单一性别学校可以打破性别的古板。而男女学生在校一起学习就会形成这种古板的局面。 - You have a choice of co-ed or single-sex swimming exercise classes.
可以选择男女兼收或是分班的游泳课。 - She argues that discrimination against girls is so typical of co-educational schools that single-sex classes are the only answer.
她认为在男女同校的学校里,歧视女生的现象太典型了,唯一的解决办法是实行男女生分班上课。 - Adam: Are you arguing that in single-sex education boys are more likely to enroll in theater or music or arts courses and girls in math or science courses?
那你想辩论;单一性别的学校就把男孩子吸收到戏剧、音乐、或艺术课程来教导他们,而女孩子则在数学、或自然科来培养她们吗? - Women do better at maths in single-sex schools.