英 [set]
美 [set]
v. 放; 置; 使处于; 使处于某种状况; 使开始; 把故事情节安排在; 以…为…设置背景
n. 一套,一副,一组(类似的东西); 一组(配套使用的东西); 一伙(或一帮、一群)人; 阶层; 团伙
adj. 位于(或处于)…的; 安排好的; 确定的; 固定的; 顽固的; 固执的
过去分词:set 过去式:set 现在分词:setting 复数:sets 第三人称单数:sets
Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.213 / COCA.294
set against
1. 把…和…作比较;把…对照…来看 2. 使…与…对立(或作对、竞争)
set apart
1. 使与众不同;使突出
set aside
1. 留作…之用;留出…用于 2. 放弃(信仰、原则或情感);置…于不顾
set back
1. 使推迟;使延误;耽误 2. 使花费;使破费
set down
1. 制定,规定(规则等) 2. 把(思想、经历等)写下来;记下
set forth
1. (清晰而有条理地)阐述,陈述,说明
set in
1. (不好的事情)产生,开始,到来,恶化
set off
1. 动身;出发;启程 2. 引爆(炸弹);触发,拉响(警报等) 3. 引发;触发;激起
set on
1. 使…袭击;使…攻击
set out
1. 动身;出发;启程 2. 开始;着手 3. 安排;摆放;陈列 4. (清晰而有条理地)陈述,阐述,说明
set up
1. 创建;建立;安排;组建 2. 建起;设立;设置 3. 安装,装配,调试(设备或机器) 4. 立业;开业;创业 5. 安(家);开(店) 6. 引起;引发;产生 7. 诬陷;陷害;冤枉
set upon
1. 突然攻击;袭击
set about sb
- 攻击;抨击
to attack sb
set about sth
- 开始做;着手做
to start doing sth- Her manner immediately set everyone at their ease .
她的态度立刻使大家感到轻松了。 - He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion .
他扳动操纵杆,启动了机器。 - The hijackers set the hostages free .
劫机者释放了人质。 - Her remarks set me thinking.
- Her manner immediately set everyone at their ease .
set sb against sb
- 使某人反对(朋友、亲人等)
to make sb oppose a friend, relative, etc.- The novel is set in London in the 1960s.
- The novel is set in London in the 1960s.
set sth (off) against sth
- 权衡利弊(或优缺点)
to judge sth by comparing good or positive qualities with bad or negative ones- She set the camera on automatic.
她把照相机调到自动状态。 - I set my watch by (= make it show the same time as) the TV.
我按电视对了手表。 - Set the alarm for 7 o'clock.
- She set the camera on automatic.
- 把…按营业成本记账以降低(税额)
to record sth as a business cost as a way of reducing the amount of tax you must pay
set sb/sth apart (from sb/sth)
- 使与众不同;使突出;使优于…
to make sb/sth different from or better than others
set sth↔apart (for sth)
- 留出,拨出(专用)
to keep sth for a special use or purpose
set sth↔aside
- 把…放到一旁(或搁到一边)
to move sth to one side until you need it - 省出,留出(钱或时间)
to save or keep money or time for a particular purpose- This could set a new fashion .
这或许会开创一种新时尚呢。 - They set high standards of customer service.
他们制订了严格的客户服务标准。 - I am unwilling to set a precedent .
我不想开先例。 - She set a new world record for the high jump.
她创造了新的跳高世界纪录。 - I rely on you to set a good example .
- This could set a new fashion .
- 暂时不考虑(或放一放)
to not consider sth, because other things are more important - 撤销,驳回(法院的判决);宣布无效
to state that a decision made by a court is not legally valid- Who will be setting (= writing the questions for) the French exam?
谁出法语试题? - What books have been set (= are to be studied) for the English course?
英语课布置要用哪些书? - She's set herself a difficult task.
她给自己安排了一项艰巨任务。 - She's set a difficult task for herself.
她给自己安排了一项艰巨任务。 - I've set myself to finish the job by the end of the month.
- Who will be setting (= writing the questions for) the French exam?
set sth/sb↔back
- 使推迟;耽误;使延误
to delay the progress of sth/sb by a particular time- Leave the concrete to set for a few hours.
让混凝土凝固几小时。 - The glue had set hard.
- Leave the concrete to set for a few hours.
set sb back sth
- 使花费;使破费
to cost sb a particular amount of money- Her jaw was set in a determined manner.
- Her jaw was set in a determined manner.
set sth back (from sth)
- 使(建筑物等)与…拉开距离
to place sth, especially a building, at a distance from sth- She had her hair washed and set.
- She had her hair washed and set.
set sb↔down
- 让某人下车
to stop and allow sb to get off- The surgeon set her broken arm.
- The surgeon set her broken arm.
set sth↔down
- 写下;记下;登记
to write sth down on paper in order to record it - 制订,规定(规则、原则等)
to give sth as a rule, principle, etc.
set forth
- 出发;动身;启程
to start a journey
set sth↔forth
- 陈述;阐明
to present sth or make it known
set in
- 到来;开始
to begin and seem likely to continue- a set of six chairs
六把成套的椅子 - a complete set of her novels
一整套她的小说 - a set of false teeth
一副假牙 - a new set of rules to learn
要学的一套新规则 - You can borrow my keys─I have a spare set.
- a set of six chairs
set sth in/into sth
- 把…装进…(或镶入…中)
to fasten sth into a flat surface so that it does not stick out from it- the smart set (= rich, fashionable people)
上层社会 - Dublin's literary set
- the smart set (= rich, fashionable people)
set off
- 出发;动身;启程
to begin a journey
set sth↔off
- 使(炸弹等)爆炸
to make a bomb, etc. explode- We need volunteers to help build and paint the set.
- We need volunteers to help build and paint the set.
- 使(警报)响起;拉响(警报)
to make an alarm start ringing- The cast must all be on (the) set by 7 in the morning.
- The cast must all be on (the) set by 7 in the morning.
- 引发;激起
to start a process or series of events - 衬托;使显得更突出(或更漂亮)
to make sth more noticeable or attractive by being placed near it- She won in straight sets (= without losing a set) .
- She won in straight sets (= without losing a set) .
set sb off (doing sth)
- 使某人笑(或哭、说等)起来
to make sb start doing sth such as laughing, crying or talking- set theory
- set theory
set on/upon sb
- 突然攻击;袭击
to attack sb suddenly
set sb/sth on sb
- 使突然攻击;使袭击
to make a person or an animal attack sb suddenly- She's in the top set for French.
- She's in the top set for French.
set out
- 出发;动身;启程
to leave a place and begin a journey- She admired the firm set of his jaw.
- She admired the firm set of his jaw.
- (怀着目标)开始工作,展开任务
to begin a job, task, etc. with a particular aim or goal
set sth↔out
- 安排;摆放;陈列
to arrange or display things - (有条理地)陈述,阐明
to present ideas, facts, etc. in an organized way, in speech or writing
set to
- 起劲地干起来;毅然开始做
to begin doing sth in a busy or determined way
set sb↔up
- 资助,经济上扶植(某人)
to provide sb with the money that they need in order to do sth- onion sets
- onion sets
- 使更健康(或强壮、活泼等)
to make sb healthier, stronger, more lively, etc. - 诬陷,冤枉(某人);栽赃
to trick sb, especially by making them appear guilty of sth
set sth↔up
- 建起;设立;设置
to build sth or put sth somewhere - 安装好,装配好,调试好(设备或机器)
to make a piece of equipment or a machine ready for use- Each person was given set jobs to do.
分配给每个人的工作都是预先确定好的。 - The school funds a set number of free places.
学校资助固定数目的免费生。 - Mornings in our house always follow a set pattern.
- Each person was given set jobs to do.
- 安排;策划
to arrange for sth to happen - 创建;建立;开办
to create sth or start it- set ideas/opinions/views on how to teach
不变的教学思想 / 主张 / 观点 - As people get older, they get set in their ways .
- set ideas/opinions/views on how to teach
- 引发;产生
to start a process or a series of events
set (yourself) up (as sb)
- 立业;开始从事
to start running a business
- be (dead) set against sth/against doing sth
- 强烈反对(做)某事
to be strongly opposed to sth - Why are you so dead set against the idea?
你为什么那样死命地反对这个主意呢? be set on sth/on doing sth - 一心想做;决心做;十分想得到
to want to do or have sth very much; to be determined to do sth on your marks, get set, go! - (径赛口令)各就各位,预备,跑!
used to tell runners in a race to get ready and then to start
- 放置;开始 put/start
- 放;置;使处于
to put sth/sb in a particular place or position- She set a tray down on the table.
她把托盘放到桌上。 - They ate everything that was set in front of them.
他们把放在面前的东西都吃光了。 - The house is set (= located) in fifty acres of parkland.
- She set a tray down on the table.
- 使处于某种状况;使开始
to cause sb/sth to be in a particular state; to start sth happening- Her manner immediately set everyone at their ease .
她的态度立刻使大家感到轻松了。 - He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion .
他扳动操纵杆,启动了机器。 - The hijackers set the hostages free .
劫机者释放了人质。 - Her remarks set me thinking.
戏剧;书;电影 play/book/movie - Her manner immediately set everyone at their ease .
- 把故事情节安排在;以…为…设置背景
to place the action of a play, novel or film/movie in a particular place, time, etc.- The novel is set in London in the 1960s.
钟表;机器 clock/machine - The novel is set in London in the 1960s.
- 设置;调整好;安排就绪
to prepare or arrange sth so that it is ready for use or in position- She set the camera on automatic.
她把照相机调到自动状态。 - I set my watch by (= make it show the same time as) the TV.
我按电视对了手表。 - Set the alarm for 7 o'clock.
餐桌 table - She set the camera on automatic.
- 摆放餐具
to arrange knives, forks, etc. on a table for a meal- Could you set the table for dinner?
你把餐具摆好,准备开饭,好吗? - The table was set for six guests.
珠宝 jewellery - Could you set the table for dinner?
- 镶嵌
to put a precious stone into a piece of jewellery- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring.
她请人把蓝宝石镶嵌到一枚金戒指上。 - Her bracelet was set with emeralds.
安排 arrange - She had the sapphire set in a gold ring.
- 安排;确定;决定
to arrange or fix sth; to decide on sth- They haven't set a date for their wedding yet.
他们还没有确定婚期。 - The government has set strict limits on public spending this year.
榜样、规范等 example/standard, etc. - They haven't set a date for their wedding yet.
- 树立;创立;开创
to fix sth so that others copy it or try to achieve it- This could set a new fashion .
这或许会开创一种新时尚呢。 - They set high standards of customer service.
他们制订了严格的客户服务标准。 - I am unwilling to set a precedent .
我不想开先例。 - She set a new world record for the high jump.
她创造了新的跳高世界纪录。 - I rely on you to set a good example .
工作;任务 work/task - This could set a new fashion .
- 布置;分配;指派
to give sb a piece of work, a task, etc.- Who will be setting (= writing the questions for) the French exam?
谁出法语试题? - What books have been set (= are to be studied) for the English course?
英语课布置要用哪些书? - She's set herself a difficult task.
她给自己安排了一项艰巨任务。 - She's set a difficult task for herself.
她给自己安排了一项艰巨任务。 - I've set myself to finish the job by the end of the month.
凝固 become firm - Who will be setting (= writing the questions for) the French exam?
- 凝固;凝结
to become firm or hard- Leave the concrete to set for a few hours.
让混凝土凝固几小时。 - The glue had set hard.
脸 face - Leave the concrete to set for a few hours.
- 使现出坚定的表情
to fix your face into a firm expression- Her jaw was set in a determined manner.
头发 hair - Her jaw was set in a determined manner.
- 固定发型;做头发
to arrange sb's hair while it is wet so that it dries in a particular style- She had her hair washed and set.
骨头 bone - She had her hair washed and set.
- 把(断骨)复位;接(骨)
to put a broken bone into a fixed position and hold it there, so that it will heal; to heal in this way- The surgeon set her broken arm.
为印刷 for printing - The surgeon set her broken arm.
- 排版
to use a machine or computer to arrange writing and images on pages in order to prepare a book, newspaper, etc. for printing 为歌词谱曲 words to music - 为…谱曲;给…配乐
to write music to go with words- Schubert set many poems to music.
太阳;月亮 of sun/moon - Schubert set many poems to music.
- 落(下)
to go down below the horizon- We sat and watched the sun setting.
- We sat and watched the sun setting.
- 一组 group
- 一套,一副,一组(类似的东西)
a group of similar things that belong together in some way- a set of six chairs
六把成套的椅子 - a complete set of her novels
一整套她的小说 - a set of false teeth
一副假牙 - a new set of rules to learn
要学的一套新规则 - You can borrow my keys─I have a spare set.
- a set of six chairs
- 一套,一副,一组(配套使用的东西)
a group of objects used together, for example for playing a game- a chess set
- a chess set
- 一伙(或一帮、一群)人;阶层;团伙
a group of people who have similar interests and spend a lot of time together socially- the smart set (= rich, fashionable people)
上层社会 - Dublin's literary set
电视机;收音机 TV/radio - the smart set (= rich, fashionable people)
- 电视机;收音机
a piece of equipment for receiving television or radio signals 戏剧;电影 for play/movie - 布景
the scenery used for a play, film/movie, etc.- We need volunteers to help build and paint the set.
- We need volunteers to help build and paint the set.
- 舞台;摄影场
a place where a play is performed or part of a film/movie is filmed- The cast must all be on (the) set by 7 in the morning.
体育运动 in sport - The cast must all be on (the) set by 7 in the morning.
- (网球、排球比赛等的)盘,局
one section of a match in games such as tennis or volleyball- She won in straight sets (= without losing a set) .
数学 mathematics - She won in straight sets (= without losing a set) .
- 集;集合
a group of things that have a shared quality- set theory
流行音乐 pop music - set theory
- 一组歌曲(或乐曲)
a series of songs or pieces of music that a musician or group performs at a concert 班 class - (在某学科上能力相当的)一批学生
a group of school students with a similar ability in a particular subject- She's in the top set for French.
脸;身体 of face/body - She's in the top set for French.
- (尤指坚定的)姿势,姿态,神情
the way in which sb's face or body is fixed in a particular expression, especially one showing determination- She admired the firm set of his jaw.
头发 hair - She admired the firm set of his jaw.
- 头发的定型;做头发
an act of arranging hair in a particular style while it is wet- A shampoo and set costs £15.
凝固 becoming firm - A shampoo and set costs £15.
- 凝固;凝结
the state of becoming firm or solid 兽穴 animal's home兽穴 animal's home植物 plant - (供移植的)秧苗,插枝,球茎
a young plant, shoot etc. for planting- onion sets
- onion sets
- 处于某位置 in position
- 位于(或处于)…的
in a particular position- a house set in 40 acres of parkland
一所坐落在一片40英亩草地上的房子 - He had close-set eyes.
安排好 planned - a house set in 40 acres of parkland
- 安排好的;确定的;固定的
planned or fixed- Each person was given set jobs to do.
分配给每个人的工作都是预先确定好的。 - The school funds a set number of free places.
学校资助固定数目的免费生。 - Mornings in our house always follow a set pattern.
意见;观念 opinions/ideas - Each person was given set jobs to do.
- 固定的;顽固的;固执的
not likely to change- set ideas/opinions/views on how to teach
不变的教学思想 / 主张 / 观点 - As people get older, they get set in their ways .
饭菜 meal - set ideas/opinions/views on how to teach
- 套(餐)
having a fixed price and a limited choice of dishes- a set dinner/lunch/meal
一份晚餐 / 午餐套餐;一份套餐 - Shall we have the set menu ?
大概会;准备好 likely/ready - a set dinner/lunch/meal
- 有可能的;做好准备的
likely to do sth; ready for sth or to do sth- Interest rates look set to rise again.
看样子利率又要提高了。 - The team looks set for victory.
看来这个队能赢。 - Be set to leave by 10 o'clock.
脸色 face - Interest rates look set to rise again.
- 呆板的;不自然的
fixed; not natural- a set smile
僵硬的笑容 - His face took on a set expression.
- a set smile
- N-COUNT 一套;一组;一系列
Aset ofthings is a number of things that belong together or that are thought of as a group.- There must be one set of laws for the whole of the country...
整个国家必须要有一套统一的法律。 - I might need a spare set of clothes...
我可能需要一套备用的衣服。 - The computer repeats a set of calculations...
计算机重复着一组运算。 - Only she and Mr Cohen had complete sets of keys to the shop...
只有她和科恩先生有店里的全套钥匙。 - The mattress and base are normally bought as a set.
通常床垫和床架是成套购买的。 - ...a chess set.
- There must be one set of laws for the whole of the country...
- N-COUNT (网球比赛中的)盘
In tennis, asetis one of the groups of six or more games that form part of a match.- Graf was leading 5-1 in the first set.
格拉芙第一盘以 5 比 1 领先。
- Graf was leading 5-1 in the first set.
- (数学中的)集,集合
In mathematics, asetis a group of mathematical quantities that have some characteristic in common. - N-COUNT (一场音乐会中所演唱或演奏的)一组歌曲(或乐曲)
A band's or musician'ssetis the group of songs or tunes that they perform at a concert.- The band continued with their set after a short break...
短暂的休息后,乐队继续演奏他们的曲目。 - He plays a solo acoustic set.
- The band continued with their set after a short break...
- See also:He belonged to what the press called 'The Chelsea Set'.jet set
- N-COUNT (话剧的)布景;(电影的)摄影棚,拍片现场
Thesetfor a play, film, or television show is the furniture and scenery that is on the stage when the play is being performed or in the studio where filming takes place.- From the first moment he got on the set, he wanted to be a director too...
自从进入摄影棚的第一刻起,他就希望自己也能成为一名导演。 - ...his stage sets for the Folies Bergeres.
他为牧女游乐园剧院设计的舞台布景 - ...a movie set.
电影拍摄现场 - ...stars who behave badly on set.
- From the first moment he got on the set, he wanted to be a director too...
- N-SING (尤指坚定的)神情,姿态,姿势
The set ofsomeone's face or part of their body is the way that it is fixed in a particular expression or position, especially one that shows determination.- Matt looked at Hugh and saw the stubbornness in the set of his shoulders...
马特看着休,从他坚挺的肩膀中看出了他的倔强。 - Artist Richard Stone has captured in her eyes and the set of her face her steely determination.
- Matt looked at Hugh and saw the stubbornness in the set of his shoulders...
- N-COUNT (电视机等)家用电器
Asetis an appliance. For example, a television set is a television.- Children spend so much time in front of the television set...
孩子们花在看电视上的时间太多了。 - We got our first set — black and white — in 1963.
1963 年我们买了我们的第一台电视机——黑白的。
- Children spend so much time in front of the television set...
- VERB (尤指小心翼翼地)放,置
If yousetsomething somewhere, you put it there, especially in a careful or deliberate way.- He took the case out of her hand and set it on the floor...
他从她手中拿过箱子,将它小心地放在地板上。 - When he set his glass down he spilled a little drink.
- He took the case out of her hand and set it on the floor...
- ADJ 位于…的;坐落在…的
If something issetin a particular place or position, it is in that place or position.- The castle is set in 25 acres of beautiful grounds...
这座城堡坐落于一片方圆 25 英亩、风景秀丽的土地上。 - Quiberon is set on an eight-mile peninsula.
基伯龙位于一个 8 英里大小的半岛上。
- The castle is set in 25 acres of beautiful grounds...
- ADJ 镶于…上的;嵌在…上的
If something isset intoa surface, it is fixed there and does not stick out.- The man unlocked a gate set in a high wall and let me through...
那名男子打开了高墙中一面大门上的锁让我进去。 - Set into an alcove under the side deck is a tiny wash basin.
- The man unlocked a gate set in a high wall and let me through...
- VERB 使处于(某种状态或情况)
You can usesetto say that a person or thing causes another person or thing to be in a particular condition or situation. For example, tosetsomeone free means to cause them to be free, and tosetsomething going means to cause it to start working.- Set the kitchen timer going...
让厨房计时器开始计时。 - A phrase from the conference floor set my mind wandering...
会上发言者的一句话让我思绪飘远。 - Dozens of people have been injured and many vehicles set on fire...
很多人受了伤,多辆车起火。 - Churchill immediately set into motion a daring plan.
- Set the kitchen timer going...
- VERB 设置,调整好,调准(钟表等)
When youseta clock or control, you adjust it to a particular point or level.- Set the volume as high as possible...
将音量尽量调大。 - I forgot to set my alarm and I overslept.
- Set the volume as high as possible...
- VERB 决定,确定(日期、价格、目标或水准)
If youseta date, price, goal, or level, you decide what it will be.- The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow...
会议主席将明天中午定为截止日期。 - A date will be set for a future meeting...
将会确定将来会议的时间。 - The German government has set a tight budget for next year...
德国政府已经为明年制定了紧缩的财政预算。 - The pass mark is set at 50 per cent.
合格分数设定为百分制的 50分。
- The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow...
- VERB 估定(价值);认为有(…价值)
If youseta certain valueonsomething, you think it has that value.- She sets a high value on autonomy...
她对自主权看得很重。 - If you set no value on being a woman yourself, how can you expect others to?
- She sets a high value on autonomy...
- VERB 树立(榜样);创造(纪录);开创(先例)
If yousetsomething such as a record, an example, or a precedent, you do something that people will want to copy or try to achieve.- Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement...
法律专家说她的案子不会成为判例,因为它是庭外和解的。 - A new world marathon record of 2 hrs, 8 min, 5 sec, was set by Stephen Jones of Great Britain...
英国的斯蒂芬·琼斯创造了新的马拉松世界纪录—— 2 小时 8 分零 5 秒。 - They set the pace in cutting ozone-damaging emissions...
他们在减少破坏臭氧层的气体排放量方面走在了最前面。 - If you are smoking in front of the children then you are setting them a bad example.
- Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement...
- VERB 分配;布置;指派
If someonesetsyou a task or aim or if youset yourselfa task or aim, you need to succeed in doing it.- I have to plan my academic work very rigidly and set myself clear objectives...
我必须严格地规划我的学业,同时给自己定下明确的目标。 - We will train you first before we set you a task...
我们在给你分派任务之前会先对你进行培训。 - The secret to happiness is to keep setting yourself new challenges.
- I have to plan my academic work very rigidly and set myself clear objectives...
- VERB 出(试题、试卷)
Tosetan examination or a question paper means to decide what questions will be asked in it.- He broke with the tradition of setting examinations in Latin.
- He broke with the tradition of setting examinations in Latin.
- ADJ 安排好的;确定的;固定的
You usesetto describe something which is fixed and cannot be changed.- Investors can apply for a package of shares at a set price...
投资者可以申购固定价格的股票组合。 - A set period of fasting is supposed to bring us closer to godliness...
据说定期斋戒会让我们更虔诚。 - There is a set menu from £4.00 for two courses with coffee.
- Investors can apply for a package of shares at a set price...
- ADJ (学习书目)指定的
Asetbook must be studied by students taking a particular course.- One of the set books is Jane Austen's Emma.
- One of the set books is Jane Austen's Emma.
- ADJ (戏剧、电影、小说等)以(某时或某地)为背景的
If a play, film, or story issetin a particular place or period of time, the events in it take place in that place or period.- The play is set in a small Midwestern town.
这出戏以中西部的一个小镇为背景。 - ...a 1964 science fiction novel by Philip K Dick, set in 1994 in a colony of humans on Mars...
菲利普·K.迪克 1964 年写的一部以 1994 年火星上一个人类聚居地为背景的科幻小说。 - The Hungarian director has completed her powerful Diary trilogy, set against the background of events in her country.
- The play is set in a small Midwestern town.
- ADJ 做好准备的;可能的
If you areset todo something, you are ready to do it or are likely to do it. If something isset tohappen, it is about to happen or likely to happen.- Roberto Baggio was set to become one of the greatest players of all time...
罗伯特·巴乔注定会成为迄今为止最伟大的球员之一。 - The talks are set to continue through the week.
- Roberto Baggio was set to become one of the greatest players of all time...
- ADJ 下定决心的;坚决的
If you areset onsomething, you are strongly determined to do or have it. If you areset againstsomething, you are strongly determined not to do or have it.- She was set on going to an all-girls school...
她执意要去女子学校上学。 - Margaret was always mischievous and set on her own individual course...
玛格丽特总是调皮捣乱,而且一意孤行。 - France is also set against devaluation.
- She was set on going to an all-girls school...
- VERB 使表现出,显出(坚定的表情)
If yousetyour face or jaw, you put on a fixed expression of determination.- Instead, she set her jaw grimly and waited in silence...
相反,她一脸严肃,面部紧绷,一声不吭地等着。 - He came insolently towards Mr. Won, his features set in a scowl.
- Instead, she set her jaw grimly and waited in silence...
- VERB 凝固;凝结;变硬
When something such as jelly, melted plastic, or cementsets, it becomes firm or hard.- You can add ingredients to these desserts as they begin to set...
这些甜点开始凝固时就可以加入辅料了。 - Lower the heat and allow the omelet to set on the bottom...
关小火让煎蛋的下面凝固。 - The material requires higher temperatures and pressures to set hard.
- You can add ingredients to these desserts as they begin to set...
- VERB (太阳)落山,落下
When the sunsets, it goes below the horizon.- They watched the sun set behind the distant dales.
他们望着夕阳没入远处的山谷。 - ...the red glow of the setting sun.
- They watched the sun set behind the distant dales.
- VERB 设置,安排,设计(陷阱)
Toseta trap means to prepare it to catch someone or something.- He seemed to think I was setting some sort of trap for him...
他似乎认为我在给他设什么套儿。 - They dug trenches in their path and set booby traps.
- He seemed to think I was setting some sort of trap for him...
- 在(桌)上摆放餐具
When someonesetsthe table, they prepare it for a meal by putting plates and cutlery on it. - VERB 为…谱(曲);为…配(乐)
If someonesetsa poem or a piece of writingtomusic, they write music for the words to be sung to.- He has attracted much interest by setting ancient religious texts to music.
- He has attracted much interest by setting ancient religious texts to music.
- See also:settingset-to
- PHRASE 为…做准备;为…铺平了道路
If someonesets the sceneorsets the stage foran event to take place, they make preparations so that it can take place.- The Democrat convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn...
民主党代表大会已经为今年秋季激烈的大选作好了准备。 - The company has been setting the stage recently for progress in the US.
- The Democrat convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn...
- 守旧的;一成不变的;固执的
If you say that someoneis set intheirways, you are being critical of the fact that they have fixed habits and ideas which they will not easily change, even though they may be old-fashioned. - toset eyes onsomething → see:eye
- PHRASAL VERB 建起;设立;设置
If youset upa temporary structure, you place it or build it somewhere.- They took to the streets, setting up roadblocks of burning tyres...
他们走上街头,用点燃的轮胎设置路障。 - 200 peace activists are planning to set up a peace camp at the border.
- They took to the streets, setting up roadblocks of burning tyres...
- PHRASAL VERB 安装,装配,调试(设备或机器)
If youset upa device or piece of machinery, you do the things that are necessary for it to be able to start working.- Setting up the camera can be tricky...
调试相机可能会很费事。 - I set up the computer so that they could work from home.
- Setting up the camera can be tricky...
- PHRASAL VERB 立业;开业;创业
If youset upsomewhere orset yourself upsomewhere, you establish yourself in a new business or new area.- The mayor's scheme offers incentives to firms setting up in lower Manhattan...
市长的方案激励了打算在曼哈顿下城开业的公司。 - He worked as a dance instructor in London before setting himself up in Bucharest...
在布加勒斯特开公司之前,他在伦敦当舞蹈教练。 - Grandfather set them up in a liquor business.
- The mayor's scheme offers incentives to firms setting up in lower Manhattan...
- PHRASAL VERB 安(家);开(店)
If youset uphome orset upshop, you buy a house or business of your own and start living or working there.- They married, and set up home in Ramsgate.
他们结婚了,在拉姆斯盖特安家定居。 - ...20 businessmen hoping to set up shop in Japan.
- They married, and set up home in Ramsgate.
- PHRASAL VERB 引起;引发;产生
If somethingsets upsomething such as a process, it creates it or causes it to begin.- The secondary current sets up a magnetic field inside the tube...
二次电流在管子内部会产生磁场。 - This can help you satisfy the craving without setting up problems later on.
- The secondary current sets up a magnetic field inside the tube...
- PHRASAL VERB 使更健康;使更有活力;使状态更好
If somethingsetsyouup forsomething, it puts you in a good condition or position to deal with it, for example by making you feel healthy and energetic.- I have my cornflakes and smell the fresh air and the grass and it sets me up for the day...
我吃了些脆玉米片,呼吸着充满青草气息的新鲜空气,这让我一天都充满活力。 - The win sets us up perfectly for the match in Belgium.
- I have my cornflakes and smell the fresh air and the grass and it sets me up for the day...
- PHRASAL VERB 诬陷;陷害;冤枉
If youare set upby someone, they make it seem that you have done something wrong when you have not.- He claimed he had been set up after drugs were discovered at his home...
在他家里发现毒品后,他声称自己是被人陷害的。 - Maybe Angelo tried to set us up.
- He claimed he had been set up after drugs were discovered at his home...
- See also:set-up
The form set is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle of the verb. set 的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。
in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 make up
in AM, use 美国英语用 required
- Matt looked at Hugh and saw the stubbornness in the set of his shoulders
马特看着休,从他坚挺的肩膀中看出了他的倔强。 - Instead, she set her jaw grimly and waited in silence
相反,她一脸严肃,面部紧绷,一声不吭地等着。 - He has attracted much interest by setting ancient religious texts to music.
他因为给古老的宗教经书谱曲配乐而备受关注。 - They took to the streets, setting up roadblocks of burning tyres
他们走上街头,用点燃的轮胎设置路障。 - She was set on going to an all-girls school
她执意要去女子学校上学。 - She sets a high value on autonomy
她对自主权看得很重。 - Roberto Baggio was set to become one of the greatest players of all time
罗伯特·巴乔注定会成为迄今为止最伟大的球员之一。 - The Democrat convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn
民主党代表大会已经为今年秋季激烈的大选作好了准备。 - One of the set books is Jane Austen's Emma.
指定阅读书目之一是简·奥斯汀的《爱玛》。 - The band continued with their set after a short break