

英 [ˈsensɪz]

美 [ˈsensɪz]

v.  感觉到; 意识到; 觉察出; 检测出


  • See also:She stared at him again, unable to believe the evidence of her senses....a keen sense of smell.sixth sense
  • VERB 感觉到;觉察到;意识到
    If yousensesomething, you become aware of it or you realize it, although it is not very obvious.
    1. She probably sensed that I wasn't telling her the whole story...
    2. He looks about him, sensing danger...
    3. Prost had sensed what might happen.
  • See also:Suddenly you got this sense that people were drawing themselves away from each other...There is no sense of urgency on either side.sense of occasion
  • N-SING (负罪或释然的)感觉
    If you have asense ofguilt or relief, for example, you feel guilty or relieved.
    1. When your child is struggling for life, you feel this overwhelming sense of guilt...
    2. Lulled into a false sense of security, we eagerly awaited their return.
  • N-SING 意识;观念
    If you have asense ofsomething such as duty or justice, you are aware of it and believe it is important.
    1. My sense of justice was offended...
    2. We must keep a sense of proportion about all this...
    3. She needs to regain a sense of her own worth.
  • See also:He has an impeccable sense of timing...Her dress sense is appalling....his astute business sense.sense of humour
  • See also:...when he was younger and had a bit more sense...When that doesn't work they sometimes have the sense to seek help...And I'll buzz over to talk some sense into old Ocker.common sense
  • N-SING 好处;意义
    If you say that there is nosenseor littlesense indoing something, you mean that it is not a sensible thing to do because nothing useful would be gained by doing it.
    1. There's no sense in pretending this doesn't happen...
    2. There's little sense in trying to outspend a competitor with a much larger service factory.
  • N-COUNT (词语、表达的)意思,含义,意义
    Asenseof a word or expression is one of its possible meanings.
    1. ...a noun which has two senses...
    2. Then she remembered that they had no mind in any real sense of that word.
  • PHRASE 从某种意义上说/总的来说。
    Senseis used in several expressions to indicate how true your statement is. For example, if you say that something is truein a sense, you mean that it is partly true, or true in one way. If you say that something is truein ageneralsense, you mean that it is true in a general way.
    1. In a sense, both were right...
    2. In one sense, the fact that few new commercial buildings can be financed does not matter...
    3. He's not the leader in a political sense...
    4. Though his background was modest, it was in no sense deprived.
  • PHRASE 可以理解;讲得通
    If somethingmakes sense, you can understand it.
    1. He was sitting there saying, 'Yes, the figures make sense.'
    2. It all makes sense now.
  • PHRASE 理解;弄懂
    When youmake sense ofsomething, you succeed in understanding it.
    1. Provided you didn't try to make sense of it, it sounded beautiful...
    2. This is to help her to come to terms with her early upbringing and make sense of past experiences.
  • PHRASE (行为方式)有道理,合乎情理
    If a course of actionmakes sense, it seems sensible.
    1. It makes sense to look after yourself...
    2. The project should be reappraised to see whether it made sound economic sense...
    3. They all said 'This is crazy, this makes no sense'.
  • PHRASE 恢复理性;清醒过来;醒悟过来
    If you say that someonehas come totheirsensesorhas been brought totheirsenses, you mean that they have stopped being foolish and are being sensible again.
    1. Eventually the world will come to its senses and get rid of them...
    2. May her death bring these people to their senses.
  • PHRASE 发疯;失去理智;精神失常
    If you say that someone seems tohave taken leave oftheirsenses, you mean that they have done or said something very foolish.
    1. They looked at me as if I had taken leave of my senses.
  • 说得有理
    If you say that someonetalks sense, you mean that what they say is sensible.
    1. PHRASE 认为;觉得
      If youhave a sense thatsomething is true orget a sense thatsomething is true, you think that it is true.
      1. Do you have the sense that you are loved by the public?
      2. I get a sense that people are feeling better about themselves.

    2. tosee sense


      • The horror of my experience has numbed my senses.
      • 'Opium' is a provocative, sensual, and voluptuous fragrance which makes all your senses vibrate.
      • Their senses of humor meshed perfectly
      • The noise nearly frightened us out of senses.
      • Eventually the world will come to its senses and get rid of them
      • May her death bring these people to their senses.
      • Smell is one of the most complex human senses; it triggers emotions, memories, and physical feelings.
      • This is a robot that can act and have some senses.
      • She has been in love with that worthless boy for so long that it will take a real shock to bring her to her senses.
      • Heart, became almost deprived of his senses and slow, middling and quick motion.