英 [ˈskætəɡʌn]
美 [ˈskætərɡʌn]
adj. (处事)杂乱无章的,乱无头绪的,漫无边际的
n. 猎枪; 机关枪
- (处事)杂乱无章的,乱无头绪的,漫无边际的
referring to a way of doing or dealing with sth by considering many different possibilities, people, etc. in a way that is not well organized- The scattergun approach to marketing means that the campaign is not targeted at particular individuals.
- The scattergun approach to marketing means that the campaign is not targeted at particular individuals.
- 机关枪
Ascattergunis a gun that fires a lot of small metal balls at the same time. - ADJ 同 scattershot
Scattergunmeans the same asscattershot.- They advocated a scattergun approach of posting dozens of letters.
- They advocated a scattergun approach of posting dozens of letters.
- firearm that is a double-barreled smoothbore shoulder weapon for firing shot at short ranges
- They advocated a scattergun approach of posting dozens of letters.
他们主张采取向四处随意邮寄大量信件的方式。 - Fragile armour-piercing projectile is a new kind of ammunition which is used for multibarrel high-rate of firing small-bore cannon or large-bore scattergun, and also it has the higher damaging effect to close-in light armored vehicle moving objects.
易碎穿甲弹是一种用在多管高射速小口径火炮或大口径机枪上的新型弹药,对近程轻装甲移动目标具有较高的毁伤效果。 - Rather than the scattergun approach some have adopted in the past, building small presences in many countries, banks now recognise they need economies of scale to remain profitable.
私人银行现在认识到,它们需要实现规模效益才能保持盈利,不能向一些银行以前那样采取散射方式,即在许多国家都开展规模不大的业务。 - The Scattergun has more damage ramp-up at close range than other weapons, so it may be best to keep Scouts at mid range.