英 [rəʊld ʌp]
美 [roʊld ʌp]
adj. 卷起来的;成卷的; (袖子、裤腿)卷起来的
- ADJ 卷起来的;成卷的
Rolled-upobjects have been folded or wrapped into a cylindrical shape.- ...a rolled-up newspaper.
- ...a rolled-up newspaper.
- ADJ (袖子、裤腿)卷起来的
Rolled-upsleeves or trouser legs have been made shorter by being folded over at the lower edge.- open-necked shirt, with rolled-up sleeves.
- open-necked shirt, with rolled-up sleeves.
- He'd plant an oak and, instead of watering it every morning, he'd beat it with a rolled-up newspaper.
他种了一棵橡树,每天早上,他不是给它浇水,而是用一张卷起的报纸抽打它。 - He swiped at the wasp with a rolled-up newspaper.
他用卷着的报纸猛拍黄蜂。 - By the time the French men-at-arms stumbled up to the enemy lines, exhausted, disoriented and terrified, the English could pretty much have taken them down with a rolled-up newspaper.
当法国的重骑兵踉跄地走到阵前时,他们已经精疲力竭,晕头转向而且惊恐万分,英国人几乎可以用卷起的报纸将他们打倒。 - He lunged at the wasp with a rolled-up newspaper.
他用卷拢着的报纸扑打黄蜂。 - Top-level activities are simply rolled-up from the lower levels.
顶层活动是从各个低层级累积得到的。 - As he walked, he held a rolled-up newspaper above his head, like a torch.
他边走边把卷成一卷的报纸举过头顶,就像是把火炬。 - She opened the window and swiped at the flies with a rolled-up newspaper to make them go out.
她打开窗户用巷起的报纸挥打苍蝇想把它们赶出去。 - Introducing this control project also enables the results from sub-projects to be rolled-up to the program level.
引入这个控制项目还能够使来自子项目的结果累积到计划的水平。 - The edges of the handkerchief were rolled and whipped; jeans with rolled-up legs; swatted the fly with a rolled newspaper.
手绢的边上都卷曲了;裤脚卷起的牛仔裤;猛地用卷起的报纸打苍蝇。 - He reached out and bopped me over the head with a rolled-up newspaper.