(re-start 的过去分词) 再启动
re-start的过去分词, 过去式
- The system will be re-started and the online update will continue automatically with the next installation.
系统将重新启动,下次安装时,联机更新将自动继续。 - Now I'm more serene, our daily life has re-started.
现在我已经恢复平静了,我们的生活重回正轨。 - And re-started it before she exited three minutes later.
三分钟后她在走之前重启了系统。 - Most of the apprentices have dispersed, but a core group of six continues to work on projects with customers while waiting for the program to be re-started at another college in Santa Fe.
绝大多数学员四散离去,不过比较核心的六个人还在继续工作,等着计划在圣达菲的另一所大学重新启动。 - It indicates the meaning of life and nature of existence, from the life and death, body and soul, many already view and which ought to be re-started.
它从生与死、肉与灵、已然与应然等多视角对生命之重展开叙事,把非空虚的存在诗化给了沉重的大地。 - In order to successfully complete this installation, the following services will automatically be stopped and re-started.
为了成功地完成安装,下面的服务将会自动停止并重启动。 - North Korea, which walked away from the talks in2009, has been pressing, with China's backing, for the talks to be re-started without conditions.
2009年退出六方会谈的朝鲜在中国支持下,一直要求无条件重启会谈。 - Red River navigation project re-started, in order to create the conditions for carrying out sea transport, but because of hydropower facilities have smaller vessels, restrictions on vessel tonnage, economic efficiency is not high.