网络 动员; 赋予可动性
过去分词:mobilised 现在分词:mobilising 过去式:mobilised 第三人称单数:mobilises
- cause to move around
- circulate a rumor
- make ready for action or use
- marshal resources
- get ready for war
- call to arms
- It will take a new legally-binding agreement for the eurozone to mobilise that power, and that will take time to negotiate and ratify.
欧元区要想动用这一权力,需要达成一项具有法律约束力的新协议,而协议的谈判和批准都需要时间。 - Building such a world-class HE system would enable countries to mobilise and leverage the potential of the whole system for the benefit of society at large.
建立这样一个世界级的高等教育系统可以让各国动员整个系统的潜力并发挥其杠杆作用,为整个社会造福。 - The summit statement will contain pledges to adopt expansionary policies, avoid protectionism and mobilise the IMF and multilateral development banks to help the weakest countries.
这次峰会的声明将承诺采取扩张性政策、避免保护主义以及动员imf和多边开发银行,以帮助最弱小的国家。 - It is also an opportunity for all to mobilise to bridge the gaps that remain to the fulfilment of indigenous peoples rights.
国际日也提供了一个机会,将所有的人都动员起来,弥合那仍旧阻碍土著人民实现其权利的鸿沟。 - In many ways it surpassed expectations, showcasing to Africans the capacity America has to mobilise capital and expertise.
此次峰会在很多方面都超出了预期,它向非洲人展示了美国动用资金和专业技能的能力。 - But, he adds, future generations will only be spared the burden of TB if governments and donors mobilise the necessary resources.
但是他还说,只有政府和捐助机构动员起必要的资源,才会减轻未来世代的结核病负担。 - They are behind because they cannot mobilise fast enough.
他们落后的原因在于无法足够快的调配资源。 - The causes of economic uncertainty are all too clear, yet the president has yet to mobilise the will or resources to do what is necessary to address them.
导致经济前景不确定的因素再清楚不过了,然而奥巴马迄今仍未调动意愿和资源、采取必要举措来解决这些问题。 - It is inevitable then that as resurgent Asian economies welcome abundant and flexible Chinese investment, the US appears weaker by being unable to mobilise the West to offer a compelling alternative.
因此,随着复兴中的亚洲经济体对充裕而灵活的中国投资表示欢迎、而美国又无法动员西方提供一个令人难以抗拒的替代选择,美国显现出颓势就是不可避免的。 - If a country did not need to do so, it would not mobilise the SDR-based credit.