英 [mɛˈnɑːʒ]
n. 家庭; 全体家庭成员
- 家庭;全体家庭成员
all the people who live together in one house
- 家庭;一家;住在同一所房子里的人
Amenageis a group of people living together in one house.
- a social unit living together
- he moved his family to Virginia
- It was a good Christian household
- I waited until the whole house was asleep
- the teacher asked how many people made up his home
- Explore how to based and consummate nation exchequer menage system on deepen finance fashion.
探索了在深化金融改革中,如何建立和完善国家金库管理体制。 - It describes the bizarre Fayed menage. Many biographies overdraw the virtue of their subject.
它描述了古怪的法耶德家族。很多传记都夸大描述书中人物之美德。 - Lowell Dittmer, an American scholar, proposes three styles of trilateral relations with original ideas, i.e. menage a trios, romantic triangle and stable marriage.
美国学者洛厄尔·迪特默(LowellDittmer)富有创意地提出了三种形式的三边关系。 - Have an ample supply of condiments, menage and other supplies such as: toothpick, straws, honey, milk, sugar, etc.
提高足够的调味品,-特味香肠和其它供应品,-如牙签、吸管、牛奶、糖等。 - If you will look deeper, when some unpleasant incident occurs, you'll find that there's usually something wrong in the domestic menage.
当一件不愉快的事情发生的时候,如果你观察得稍为深刻些,你便会发现通常是家庭方面有些问题。 - The practical strategy and implementing mode for network information integration between Field control system and Menage network in constitution of industrial technological process CIMS based on OPC technology are introduced, which is a newly developed industrial standard specially for the field control system design.
OPC是新近发展起来的一种针对现场控制系统设计工作的工业标准。文中介绍了在基于OPC技术的工业流程CIMS的构成中实现现场控制系统与管网之间的信息集成的实际方案与实施模式。 - 'How do you menage to get to work so early?'he said ironically.