网络 住所; 滩头阵地
- the state or quality of being lodged or fixed even temporarily
- the lodgment of the balloon in the tree
- bringing a charge or accusation against someone
- Bills of sale shall be entered in the register in the order of their lodgment.
卖据须按其送交注册官的先后次序记入注册记录册。 - He found a temporary lodgment in Paris.
他在巴黎找到了一个临时住所。 - Accompanied with the development of high-tech park, "Youth Commune" is developed as an auxiliary project of providing lodgment for the staff and workers in lots of foreign enterprises, who come from other places.
青年公社是伴随高新园区的发展,为解决大量外资企业的外地员工住宿问题而开发的生活配套项目; - Subsidiaries of overseas insurance companies shall report their insurance terms and insurance premiums to agcircaacirc under their jurisdictions for lodgment.
外国财产保险公司分公司应当向所在地派出机构报备保险条款和保险费率。 - Effect [ make] a lodgment They overtured the platform, recaptured their torches, tore the enemy's banner to tatters and drove them from their position.
他们掀翻讲台,夺回火把,把敌人的旗子撕得稀烂,最后将他们逐出阵地。 - Thirdly, establish perfect policymaking system arrangement including policy issue lodgment, research, consultation, consideration, checkup and assessment.
三是建立完善的科技政策制定的制度安排,包括政策问题的提出、政策的研究与咨询、政策的审议与审查和政策的评价。 - Where an enterprise as a legal person established establishes a new enterprise or subsidiarybranch at abroad, it shall report to the original registration authority for recordfor lodgment.
企业法人在国外开办企业或增设分支机构,应向原登记主管机关备案。 - All the designated foreign exchange banks shall apply for lodgment in accordance with the relevant requirements.
请各外汇指定银行按照相关要求进行备案申请。 - Insurance institutes reporting the combined insurance terms and insurance premiums for approval or lodgment shall submit, in addition to the materials stipulated hereunderin these measures, the names of combined insurance terms and insurance premiums and their insurance policy samples.
保险机构将组合式保险条款和保险费率报送审批或者备案的,除应当提交本办法规定的材料外,还应当提交组合式保险条款和保险费率的名称及其保险单式样。 - Mortgage instruments shall be registered in the order of their lodgment.