英 [ˌɪntrəst ˈfriː]
美 [ˌɪntrəst ˈfriː]
adj. 免息的; 不收取利息的
- 免息的;不收取利息的
with no interest charged on money borrowed- an interest-free loan
无息贷款 - interest-free credit
- an interest-free loan
- ADJ 免息的;无息的
Aninterest-freeloan has no interest charged on it.- He was offered a £10,000 interest-free loan...
他获得了 1 万英镑的无息贷款。 - Many stores are offering interest-free credit.
很多商店提供免息赊购。 - Interest-freeis also an adverb.
- Customers allowed the banks to use their money interest-free.
- He was offered a £10,000 interest-free loan...
- He was offered a £ 10,000 interest-free loan
他获得了1万英镑的无息贷款。 - The government will operate an interest-free loan system.
政府将实施一种免息贷款制度。 - GM, which makes Buicks, Chevrolets and Cadillacs with a local partner, is offering interest-free financing on some models after watching its market share in China slide in the first half of the year.
通用汽车目前与中国伙伴合作生产别克、雪佛兰和凯迪拉克三种品牌的汽车。当看到上半年在中国市场的占有率出现下滑后,该公司推出了针对某些车型的免息金融优惠。 - We have started many employment training courses for our students. Many other universities have launched a range of supportive polices, including interest-free loans, for students who want to start their own businesses.
我们为学生开设了很多就业培训课程,其他很多大学也推出了多种支持政策,包括为自主创业的大学生提供无息贷款等。 - In addition, the government has been granting low-interest and interest-free loans every year, ranging from several million to ten million yuan.
同时政府每年还举办了数百万元到千万元的低利和无利的贷款。 - The rest is divided evenly between interest-free loans and concessionary, or low-interest, loans.
其余的平均分配给无息贷款,优惠贷款,低利率贷款以及其他贷款。 - Though the interest-free loans and grants released are not of great amounts, the IRGSWF provides a quick source of relief to help staff with unexpected financial difficulties.
基金提供的免息贷款和补助金数目虽然不大,但能够即时提供援助,以济燃眉之急,纾缓突发的经济困难。 - It is one of two forms of interest-free leverage used by Berkshire.
这是伯克希尔哈撒韦利用的两种无息杠杆形式中的一种。 - Then our company gave a grant coupled with an interest-free loan so that she could finished her studies.
这时我们给她资助,让女儿能够完成大学。 - Many stores are offering interest-free credit.