

英 [hɔːs]

美 [hɔːrs]

n.  马; 赛马
v.  为…备马; 猛推或用力向上举

复数:horses 现在分词:horsing 过去式:horsed 第三人称单数:horses 过去分词:horsed 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.803 / COCA.1279


    horse about/around

    • 胡闹;瞎闯
      to play in a way that is noisy and not very careful so that you could hurt sb or damage sth
      1. He mounted his horse and rode off.
      2. a horse and cart



        (straight) from the horse's mouth
      • 直接的;可靠的
        given by sb who is directly involved and therefore likely to be accurate
      • hold your horses
      • 且慢;请三思
        used to tell sb that they should wait a moment and not be so excited that they take action without thinking about it first
      • horses for courses
      • 知人善任
        the act of matching people with suitable jobs or tasks
      • a one, two, three, etc. horse race
      • 只有一个(或两个、三个)队(或候选人)有获胜机会的比赛(或竞选)
        a competition or an election in which there are only one, two, etc. teams or candidates with a chance of winning
      • you can lead/take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
      • 牵马近水易,逼马饮水难;机会可以给,做不做由人;老牛不饮水,不能强按头
        you can give sb the opportunity to do sth, but you cannot force them to do it if they do not want to
      • back the wrong horse
      • 下错赌注(支持了失败的一方或事情)
        to support sb/sth that is not successful
      • close, etc. the barn door after the horse has escapedclose, etc. the barn door after the horse has escapedput the cart before the horse
      • 本末倒置;因果倒置
        to put or do things in the wrong order
      • change horses in midstream
      • 中流换马;中途变卦;中途支持另外的人(或事)
        to change to a different or new activity while you are in the middle of sth else; to change from supporting one person or thing to another
      • a dark horsea dark horsedrive a coach and horses through sth
      • 毁掉,糟蹋,破坏(计划等)
        to spoil sth, for example a plan
      • eat like a horse
      • 吃得很多
        to eat a lot
      • She may be thin, but she eats like a horse.
      • flog a dead horse
      • 鞭策死马;做徒劳无益的事
        to waste your effort by trying to do sth that is no longer possible
      • look a gift horse in the mouth
      • 拒受馈赠;白送的马还看牙口;对礼物吹毛求疵
        to refuse or criticize sth that is given to you for nothing
      • be/get on your high horse
      • 趾高气扬;自命不凡;自以为了不起
        to behave in a way that shows you think you are better than other people
      • close, lock, etc. the stable door after the horse has bolted
      • 马跑了才去关厩门;贼走关门,为时已晚
        to try to prevent or avoid loss or damage when it is already too late to do so
      • wild horses would not drag, make, etc. sb (do sth)
      • 任何事情都不能阻止(或促使某人做某事);八匹马拉不了某人回头
        used to say that nothing would prevent sb from doing sth or make them do sth they do not want to do
      • if wishes were horses, beggars would/might ride
      • 想有不见得就有;愿望不等于事实
        wishing for sth does not make it happen



        • a large animal with four legs, a mane (= long thick hair on its neck) and a tail. Horses are used for riding on, pulling carriages , etc.
          1. He mounted his horse and rode off.
          2. a horse and cart
        • 赛马
          horse racing
          1. 赛马
            horse racing




                • N-COUNT 马
                  Ahorseis a large animal which people can ride. Some horses are used for pulling ploughs and carts.
                  1. A small man on a grey horse had appeared.
                • N-PLURAL 赛马
                  When you talk aboutthe horses, you mean horse races in which people bet money on the horse which they think will win.
                  1. He still likes to bet on the horses.
                • (体操器械)跳马
                  A vaultinghorseis a tall piece of gymnastics equipment for jumping over.
                  1. PHRASE 从知情人那里直接(获悉)
                    If you hear somethingfrom the horse's mouth, you hear it from someone who knows that it is definitely true.
                    1. He has got to hear it from the horse's mouth. Then he can make a judgment as to whether his policy is correct or not.
                  2. See also:clothes horsedark horserocking horseseahorse. to put the cart before the horse



                  • solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
                      Synonym:Equus caballus
                    1. a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs
                        Synonym:gymnastic horse
                      1. a chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse
                        1. a framework for holding wood that is being sawed
                          1. troops trained to fight on horseback
                            1. 500 horse led the attack
                            Synonym:cavalryhorse cavalry


                          • provide with a horse or horses


                            • A small man on a grey horse had appeared.
                            • The horse shied.
                            • He can ride a horse like a horseman.
                            • George had taught him how to ride a horse
                            • David had to pull out of the Championships when his horse went lame.
                            • The horse jumped forwards and round her, winding the rope round her waist.
                            • The horse he painted is very lifelike.
                            • The horse reared, throwing its rider and knocking down a youth standing beside it.
                            • Every so often the horse's heart and lungs are checked.
                            • Emma dismounted and took her horse's bridle.