英 [hɑːt]
美 [hɑːrt]
n. 心; 心脏; 胸部心脏的部位; 内心; 心肠; (尤指)爱心
vi. 鼓励;<非正式>喜欢
Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.654 / COCA.460
centren. 中心,集中点
There is a huge oak table in the centre of the meeting room.
Beijing is the political and cultural centre of China.
Beijing is the political and cultural centre of China.
coren. 核心
Remove the cores, and thinly slice the apples.
The core of their appeal is freedom of speech.
Debt is at the core of the problem.
The core of their appeal is freedom of speech.
Debt is at the core of the problem.
heartn. 中心
指事物最重要的部分;也可指方位上的中心,作此义解时可与 centre 换用。
We must get to the heart of the issue.
They went to a big hotel in the heart/centre of the city.
They went to a big hotel in the heart/centre of the city.
middlen. 中间,中央,中部
There is a table in the middle of the parlor.
He came back home in the middle of the night.
He came back home in the middle of the night.
midstn. 〈正式〉中间
We found him in the midst of a group of his usual friends.
In the midst of my work I snatched an hour's rest.
In the midst of my work I snatched an hour's rest.
- at heart
- 内心里;本质上
used to say what sb is really like even though they may seem to be sth different - He's still a socialist at heart.
他本质上还是个社会主义者。 break sb's heart - 使某人很难过;使心碎
to make sb feel very unhappy - She broke his heart when she called off the engagement.
她取消婚约使他为之心碎。 - It breaks my heart to see you like this.
看到你这个样子我很难过。 by heart - 单凭记忆;能背诵
using only your memory - I've dialled the number so many times I know it by heart.
这个号码我拨了很多次,都记住了。 - She's learnt the whole speech off by heart.
她把整篇讲话都背熟了。 close/dear/near to sb's heart - 为某人所重视关心;为某人所爱
having a lot of importance and interest for sb from the (bottom of your) heart - 真诚地;从内心(深处)
in a way that is sincere - I beg you, from the bottom of my heart, to spare his life.
我诚心诚意地恳求你饶他一命吧。 - It was clearly an offer that came from the heart.
那很明显是由衷的提议。 give sb (fresh) heart - 激励某人;使某人振作
to make sb feel positive, especially when they thought that they had no chance of achieving sth give your heart to sb - 爱上某人;倾心
to give your love to one person have a heart! - 发发善心吧;讲点情理吧
used to ask sb to be kind and/or reasonable have a heart of gold - 有金子般的心;心肠很好
to be a very kind person have a heart of stone - 铁石心肠;冷酷无情
to be a person who does not show others sympathy or pity heart and soul - 满腔热忱干劲十足;全心全意
with a lot of energy and enthusiasm - They threw themselves heart and soul into the project.
他们全心全意地投入了这个项目。 your heart goes out to sb - 十分同情;怜悯
used to say that you feel a lot of sympathy for sb - Our hearts go out to the families of the victims.
我们很同情那些受害者的家人。 sb's heart is in their mouth - 提心吊胆;心提到了嗓子眼儿
somebody feels nervous or frightened about sth sb's heart is in the right place - 本意是好的;心眼是好的
used to say that sb's intentions are kind and sincere even though they sometimes do the wrong thing your heart is not in sth - 对某事不很感兴趣(或不热衷)
used to say that you are not very interested in or enthusiastic about sth sb's heart leaps - 心花怒放
used to say that sb has a sudden feeling of happiness or excitement sb's heart misses a beat - 心里咯噔一下(表示突然感到恐惧、兴奋等)
used to say that sb has a sudden feeling of fear, excitement, etc. sb's heart sinks - 心里一沉(表示突然感到悲伤或沮丧)
used to say that sb suddenly feels sad or depressed about sth - My heart sank when I saw how much work there was left.
我看到还有那么多活没干时,心顿时沉了下去。 - She watched him go with a sinking heart .
她心情沉重地看着他走了。 in good heart - 心情舒畅;兴高采烈
happy and cheerful in your heart (of hearts) - 在内心深处;内心强烈地感觉到
if you know sth in your heart , you have a strong feeling that it is true - She knew in her heart of hearts that she was making the wrong decision.
她心底里明白她在作出错误的决定。 it does sb's heart good (to do sth) - (看到或听到某事时)使人感到高兴,使人心旷神怡
it makes sb feel happy when they see or hear sth - It does my heart good to see the old place being taken care of so well.
看到故居被照管得这么好,真叫人高兴。 let your heart rule your head - 感情用事
to act according to what you feel rather than to what you think is sensible lose heart - 丧失信心;泄气
to stop hoping for sth or trying to do sth because you no longer feel confident lose your heart (to sb/sth) - 爱上(某人 / 事物)
to fall in love with sb/sth a man/woman after your own heart - 趣味相投者;情投意合者
a man/woman who likes the same things or has the same opinions as you my heart bleeds (for sb) - (表示不同情或不怜悯)真可怜
used to say that you do not feel sympathy or pity for sb - ‘I have to go to Brazil on business.’ ‘My heart bleeds for you!’
“我要出差去巴西。”“真够可怜的!” not have the heart (to do sth) - 不忍心(做某事)
to be unable to do sth because you know that it will make sb sad or upset pour out/open your heart to sb - 向某人敞开心扉;倾诉衷肠
to tell sb all your problems, feelings, etc. set your heart on sthhave your heart set on sth - 渴望;一心想要
to want sth very much take heart (from sth) - (由于某事)增强信心;重新振作起来
to feel more positive about sth, especially when you thought that you had no chance of achieving sth - The government can take heart from the latest opinion polls.
政府可以从最近的民意测验中找回信心。 take sth to heart - 对某事感到烦恼;十分介意(某人的话或行为);耿耿于怀
to be very upset by sth that sb says or does tear/rip the heart out of sth - 摧毁…的核心
to destroy the most important part or aspect of sth to your heart's content - 尽情地;心满意足
as much as you want - a supervised play area where children can run around to their heart's content
一处能让孩子们尽情游玩且有人看管的地方 with all your heart/your whole heart - 完全地;全心全意
completely - I hope with all my heart that things work out for you.
我衷心希望你一切顺利。 absence makes the heart grow fonder - 不相见,倍思念
used to say that when you are away from sb that you love, you love them even more a change of heart - 改变态度,改变看法(通常指变得更友好、有益等)
if you have a change of heart , your attitude towards sth changes, usually making you feel more friendly, helpful, etc. cross my heart (and hope to die) - 我发誓(否则不得好死)
used to emphasize that you are telling the truth or will do what you promise - I saw him do it─cross my heart.
我看见是他干的,我可以发誓。 be etched on your heart/memory/mind - 铭记在心;永志不忘;牢记心头
if sth is etched on your memory, you remember it because it has made a strong impression on you what the eye doesn't see (the heart doesn't grieve over) - 眼不见(心不烦);眼不见为净
if a person does not know about sth that they would normally disapprove of, then it cannot hurt them - What does it matter if I use his flat while he's away? What the eye doesn't see…!
我趁他外出时用他的公寓有什么关系呢?反正他又看不见! find it in your heart/yourself to do sth - 能做某事;愿意干某事
to be able or willing to do sth - Can you find it in your heart to forgive her?
你能够做到宽恕她吗? - He couldn't find it in himself to trust anyone again.
他再也不愿意相信任何人了。 out of the goodness of your heart - 出于(利他主义)好心
from feelings of kindness, without thinking about what advantage there will be for you - You're not telling me he offered to lend you the money out of the goodness of his heart?
你该不是说他是纯粹出于好心主动借钱给你的吧? home is where the heart is - 家乃心之所系
a home is where the people you love are have sb's interests at heart - 关心…的幸福成功;暗暗地替…着想
to want sb to be happy and successful even though your actions may not show this sick at heart - 十分不快;非常失望
very unhappy or disappointed sob your heart out - 悲切地哭泣;很伤心地哭泣
to cry noisily for a long time because you are very sad steal sb's heart - 博得某人的欢心
to make sb fall in love with you strike fear, etc. into sb/sb's heart - 使某人感到恐惧等
to make sb be afraid, etc. tear at your hearttear your heart out - 使伤心;使心如刀绞;使愁肠寸断
to strongly affect you in an emotional way warm the cockles (of sb's heart) - 使人内心感到高兴(或同情)
to make sb feel happy or sympathetic the way to sb's heart - 赢得某人喜爱的办法;攻心策
the way to make sb like or love you - The way to a man's heart is through his stomach (= by giving him good food) .
取得男人欢心的方法就是让他吃好。 wear your heart on your sleeve - 让感情外露;把心事挂在脸上
to allow your feelings to be seen by other people win sb's heart - 赢得(某人)的爱
to make sb love you young at heart - 人老心不老
thinking and behaving like a young person even when you are old
- 身体部位 part of body
- 心;心脏
the organ in the chest that sends blood around the body, usually on the left in humans- The patient's heart stopped beating for a few seconds.
病人的心跳停顿了几秒钟。 - heart trouble/failure
心脏病;心力衰竭 - to have a weak heart
心脏不好 - I could feel my heart pounding in my chest (= because of excitement etc.) .
- The patient's heart stopped beating for a few seconds.
- 胸部心脏的部位
the outside part of the chest where the heart is- She clasped the photo to her heart.
感情;心情 feelings/emotions - She clasped the photo to her heart.
- 内心;心肠;(尤指)爱心
the place in a person where the feelings and emotions are thought to be, especially those connected with love- She has a kind heart.
她有一颗善良的心。 - Have you no heart?
你没有一点同情心吗? - He returned with a heavy heart (= sad) .
他心情沉重地回来了。 - Her novels tend to deal with affairs of the heart .
她的小说往往是有关爱情故事的。 - The story captured the hearts and minds of a generation.
有…心 -hearted - She has a kind heart.
- 有…性格(或品格)的
having the type of character or personality mentioned- cold-hearted
冷酷无情 - kind-hearted
重要部分 important part - cold-hearted
- 重点;核心;要点
the most important part of sth- the heart of the matter/problem
事情 / 问题的核心 - The committee's report went to the heart of the government's dilemma.
委员会的报告直指政府窘境的实质。 - The distinction between right and wrong lies at the heart of all questions of morality.
中心 centre - the heart of the matter/problem
- 中心;中央
the part that is in the centre of sth- a quiet hotel in the very heart of the city
卷心菜 of cabbage - a quiet hotel in the very heart of the city
- 菜心
the smaller leaves in the middle of a cabbage , lettuce , etc. 形状 shape - 心形物;(常指象征爱的)红心
a thing shaped like a heart , often red and used as a symbol of love- The words ‘I love you’ were written inside a big red heart.
纸牌游戏 in card games - The words ‘I love you’ were written inside a big red heart.
- (统称)红桃牌,红心牌
one of the four sets of cards (called suits ) in a pack/deck of cards, with red heart symbols on them- the queen of hearts
红桃王后 - Hearts is/are trumps.
- the queen of hearts
- (一张)红桃牌,红心牌
one card from the set of hearts- Who played that heart?
- Who played that heart?
- N-COUNT 心;心脏;胸口
Yourheartis the organ in your chest that pumps the blood around your body. People also useheartto refer to the area of their chest that is closest to their heart.- The bullet had passed less than an inch from Andrea's heart...
子弹在离安德烈亚的心脏不到一英寸的地方穿过。 - The only sound inside was the beating of his heart...
屋内唯一的声音就是他的心跳声。 - He gave a sudden cry of pain and put his hand to his heart.
- The bullet had passed less than an inch from Andrea's heart...
- N-COUNT 内心;心灵;心情
You can refer to someone'sheartwhen you are talking about their deep feelings and beliefs.- Alik's words filled her heart with pride...
亚利克的话让她心感自豪。 - I just couldn't bring myself to admit what I knew in my heart to be true.
- Alik's words filled her heart with pride...
- N-VAR 心肠;心地;同情心
You useheartwhen you are talking about someone's character and attitude towards other people, especially when they are kind and generous.- She loved his brilliance and his generous heart...
她深爱他的才华横溢和古道热肠。 - She's got a good heart but she's calculating.
- She loved his brilliance and his generous heart...
- N-SING 爱情;爱恋;感情
If you refer to thingsof the heart, you mean love and relationships.- This is an excellent time for affairs of the heart.
- This is an excellent time for affairs of the heart.
- N-SING 核心;实质;重点;要点
The heart ofsomething is the most central and important part of it.- The heart of the problem is supply and demand...
问题的核心是供求关系。 - Money lies at the heart of the debate over airline safety.
- The heart of the problem is supply and demand...
- N-SING (地方的)中心
The heart ofa place is its centre.- ...a busy dentists' practice in the heart of London's West End.
- ...a busy dentists' practice in the heart of London's West End.
- (蔬菜的)菜心
Theheartof a lettuce, cabbage, or other vegetable is its centre leaves. - N-COUNT (作为爱的象征的)心形
Aheartis a shape that is used as a symbol of love: ♥.- ...heart-shaped chocolates.
- ...heart-shaped chocolates.
- N-UNCOUNT-COLL (纸牌的)红桃,红心
Heartsis one of the four suits in a pack of playing cards. Each card in the suit is marked with one or more red symbols in the shape of a heart.- Aheartis a playing card of this suit.
(一张)红桃牌,红心牌 - West had to decide whether to play a heart.
- Aheartis a playing card of this suit.
- PHRASE 全心全意地;真心实意地
If you feel or believe somethingwith allyourheart, you feel or believe it very strongly.- My own family I loved with all my heart.
- My own family I loved with all my heart.
- PHRASE (人)本质上,实际上,内心里
If you say that someone is a particular kind of personat heart, you mean that that is what they are really like, even though they may seem very different.- He was a very gentle boy at heart.
- He was a very gentle boy at heart.
- PHRASE 十分关心(某人的利益或福祉)
If you say that someone has your interests or your welfareat heart, you mean that they are concerned about you and that is why they are doing something.- She told him she only had his interests at heart.
- She told him she only had his interests at heart.
- (通常指因感情破裂而)使…伤心,使…心碎
If someonebreaksyourheart, they make you very sad and unhappy, usually because they end a love affair or close relationship with you. - PHRASE (尤指因对他人的苦难无能为力而)使…伤心,使…心碎
If somethingbreaksyourheart, it makes you feel very sad and depressed, especially because people are suffering but you can do nothing to help them.- It really breaks my heart to see them this way.
- It really breaks my heart to see them this way.
- PHRASE 心碎;伤心
If you say that someone has abroken heart, you mean that they are very sad, for example because a love affair has ended unhappily.- She never recovered from her broken heart.
- She never recovered from her broken heart.
- PHRASE 背得出;靠记忆
If you know something such as a poemby heart, you have learned it so well that you can remember it without having to read it.- Mack knew this passage by heart.
- Mack knew this passage by heart.
- PHRASE 态度的转变
If someone has achange of heart, their attitude towards something changes.- Several brokers have had a change of heart about prospects for the company...
几位经纪人对该公司前景的看法已经有所改变。 - Why the change of heart?
- Several brokers have had a change of heart about prospects for the company...
- PHRASE 为…所重视(或关注)
If something such as a subject or project isclose toyourheartornear toyourheart, it is very important to you and you are very interested in it and concerned about it.- Animal welfare is a subject very close to my heart.
- Animal welfare is a subject very close to my heart.
- PHRASE 尽情地;痛痛快快地
If you can do somethingtoyourheart's content, you can do it as much as you want.- I was delighted to be able to eat my favorite dishes to my heart's content.
- I was delighted to be able to eat my favorite dishes to my heart's content.
- CONVENTION 我发誓(所说的是真的)/你敢发誓(所说的是真的)吗?
You can say 'cross my heart' when you want someone to believe that you are telling the truth. You can also ask 'cross your heart?', when you are asking someone if they are really telling the truth.- And I won't tell any of the other girls anything you tell me about it. I promise, cross my heart.
- And I won't tell any of the other girls anything you tell me about it. I promise, cross my heart.
- PHRASE 真诚地;发自内心地
If you say somethingfrom the heartorfrom the bottom ofyourheart, you sincerely mean what you say.- He spoke with confidence, from the heart...
他的话充满信心,发自心坎。 - I don't want to go away without thanking you from the bottom of my heart.
- He spoke with confidence, from the heart...
- PHRASE 鼓励…;使…振作起来
If somethinggivesyouheart, it makes you feel more confident or happy about something.- It gave me heart to see one thug get what he deserves.
- It gave me heart to see one thug get what he deserves.
- PHRASE 不忍心(做…)
If you want to do something but donot have the heart todo it, you do not do it because you know it will make someone unhappy or disappointed.- We knew all along but didn'thave the heart to tell her.
- We knew all along but didn'thave the heart to tell her.
- PHRASE 在心底里;在内心深处
If you believe or know somethinginyourheart of hearts, that is what you really believe or think, even though it may sometimes seem that you do not.- I know in my heart of hearts that I am the right man for that mission.
- I know in my heart of hearts that I am the right man for that mission.
- PHRASE 对…无兴趣;心不在…上
If yourheart isn't inthe thing you are doing, you have very little enthusiasm for it, usually because you are depressed or are thinking about something else.- I tried to learn some lines but my heart wasn't really in it.
- I tried to learn some lines but my heart wasn't really in it.
- PHRASE 失去信心;灰心;泄气
If youlose heart, you become sad and depressed and are no longer interested in something, especially because it is not progressing as you would like.- He appealed to his countrymen not to lose heart.
- He appealed to his countrymen not to lose heart.
- 爱上…;对…倾心
If youloseyourheart tosomeone, you fall in love with them. - PHRASE 激动非常;焦急万分;害怕得要命
If yourheart is inyourmouth, you feel very excited, worried, or frightened.- My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office.
- My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office.
- PHRASE 敞开心扉;倾吐心里话
If youopenyourheartorpour outyourheartto someone, you tell them your most private thoughts and feelings.- She opened her heart to millions yesterday and told how she came close to suicide.
- She opened her heart to millions yesterday and told how she came close to suicide.
- PHRASE (尽管有其他缺点但)心地善良,心眼儿好
If you say that someone'sheart is in the right place, you mean that they are kind, considerate, and generous, although you may disapprove of other aspects of their character.- He is a bit of a tearaway but his heart is in the right place.
- He is a bit of a tearaway but his heart is in the right place.
- PHRASE 一心想要得到;一心想要做
If you havesetyourheart onsomething, you want it very much or want to do it very much.- He had always set his heart on a career in the fine arts.
- He had always set his heart on a career in the fine arts.
- 感情外露;心直口快
If youwearyourheart onyoursleeve, you openly show your feelings or emotions rather than keeping them hidden. - PHRASE 全心全意地;尽心尽力地
If you put yourheart and soul intosomething, you do it with a great deal of enthusiasm and energy.- He will always be successful when he puts his mind to something, because he puts his heart and soul into it.
- He will always be successful when he puts his mind to something, because he puts his heart and soul into it.
- (从…)得到鼓舞;(因…)振作精神
If youtake heart fromsomething, you are encouraged and made to feel optimistic by it. - PHRASE 对…耿耿于怀;为…感到不快
If youtakesomethingto heart, for example someone's behaviour, you are deeply affected and upset by it.- If someone says something critical I take it to heart.
- If someone says something critical I take it to heart.
- a playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it
- he led the queen of hearts
- hearts were trumps
- an inclination or tendency of a certain kind
- he had a change of heart
- the courage to carry on
- he kept fighting on pure spunk
- you haven't got the heart for baseball
- the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs
- he stood still, his heart thumping wildly
- the locus of feelings and intuitions
- in your heart you know it is true
- her story would melt your bosom
- the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
- the gist of the prosecutor's argument
- the heart and soul of the Republican Party
- the nub of the story
- a positive feeling of liking
- he had trouble expressing the affection he felt
- the child won everyone's heart
- the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home
- a firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal)
- a five-pound beef heart will serve six
- an area that is approximately central within some larger region
- it is in the center of town
- they ran forward into the heart of the struggle
- they were in the eye of the storm
- a plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom
- he drew a heart and called it a valentine
- I was delighted to be able to eat my favorite dishes to my heart's content.
我很高兴能够痛痛快快地吃我最喜爱的菜。 - The only sound inside was the beating of his heart
屋内唯一的声音就是他的心跳声。 - I tried to learn some lines but my heart wasn't really in it.
我想要背几句台词,但我的心根本不在那上面。 - My own family I loved with all my heart.
我真心实意地爱我全家人。 - I just couldn't bring myself to admit what I knew in my heart to be true.
我就是无法迫使自己承认心里知道的事实。 - The heart of the problem is supply and demand
问题的核心是供求关系。 - He is a bit of a tearaway but his heart is in the right place.
他是有点像个阿飞,但心眼儿不错。 - He gave a sudden cry of pain and put his hand to his heart.
他突然痛苦地大叫一声,用手捂住了心口。 - I know in my heart of hearts that I am the right man for that mission.
我心里深知我是完成那项任务的合适人选。 - She's got a good heart but she's calculating.