v. (使)和谐,(使……与……)协调,(使)相称; 以和声唱歌或演奏
过去分词:harmonised 现在分词:harmonising 第三人称单数:harmonises 过去式:harmonised
- bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing
- bring into consonance or accord
- harmonize one's goals with one's abilities
- bring (several things) into consonance or relate harmoniously
- harmonize the different interests
- sing or play in harmony
- write a harmony for
- go together
- The colors don't harmonize
- Their ideas concorded
- It is far better to have strong action now and then harmonise the regulatory structures later.
更好的做法是立即采取有力行动、以后再协调监管架构。 - To solve underlying structural problems, they will need to harmonise their financial sectors, improve product and services markets, and co-ordinate labour market rules, an area now off-limits.
要解决根本的结构性问题,它们需要让金融行业更为和谐、改善产品和服务市场、协调劳动市场规则(这一领域目前尚未触及)。 - Finally, modularising an application can help to concretely identify which versions of dependent libraries are being used in order to harmonise library dependencies across a large project.
最后,将一个应用程序模块化,可以帮助识别正在使用依赖类库的哪个版本,以便协调大型项目中的类库依赖。 - "This way, we can harmonise international academic exchange and domestic academic progress," he says.
“通过这种方式,我们能够把国际学术交流和国内学术进步结合起来,”于在林说。 - Aromatherapy has been used since the ancient times to purify and harmonise the body and soul.
自古以来,香熏已被使用于净化及治疗身心。 - For this grand strategy to work, he says, America will first have to harmonise its separate policies towards Iraq, Iran and Israel.
他说,为了实现这一战略,美国要先协调对伊拉克、伊朗、以色列的分裂的政策。 - She said that while she was keen to further harmonise the market, she was not considering pushing for the creation of a single telecoms regulator at this stage.
克勒斯表示,虽然她支持进一步统一欧洲电信市场,但在目前阶段不会考虑推动成立电信领域的统一监管机构。 - You need policies that provide eurozone-wide backstops to the banking sector, and also policies to insure against Asymmetric shocks. And you need to harmonise many aspects of structural policy to ensure imbalances do not become entrenched.
你需要一些政策,在整个欧元区范围内为银行业提供支援;你需要通过政策来防范“非对称冲击”;你还需要协调结构性政策的许多方面,以确保失衡不会变得根深蒂固。 - No amount of yogic incantation can harmonise these split persona; the solution is to break banks into functional units, so that merger experts, market makers, and proprietary traders no longer cohabit.
念再多的瑜伽咒语也无法调和这种人格分裂;解决办法是将投行依照职能分拆,这样并购专家、做市商和自营交易员就不再同属于一家银行。 - The two countries are discussing whether and how to harmonise tax policies.