英 [ˌhænd tə ˈmaʊθ]
美 [ˌhænd tə ˈmaʊθ]
adj. 仅够糊口的; 勉强维持生计的
- live (from) hand to mouth
- 仅够糊口度日
to spend all the money you earn on basic needs such as food without being able to save any money
- 仅够糊口的;勉强维持生计的
if you have a hand-to-mouth life, you spend all the money you earn on basic needs such as food and do not have anything left
- ADJ-GRADED (生活)勉强糊口的
Ahand-to-mouthexistence is a way of life in which you have hardly enough food or money to live on.- The worst-paid live a hand-to-mouth existence without medical or other benefits.
收入最低者过着只能勉强糊口的日子,没有医疗补助或其他福利。 - Hand-to-mouthis also an adverb.
- ...penniless students living hand-to-mouth.
- The worst-paid live a hand-to-mouth existence without medical or other benefits.
- Critics argue that the government's hand-to-mouth policymaking is self-defeating, and illustrates its general lack of planning.
评论家认为政府的这种勉强过得去的政策制定方式将事与愿违,而且说明其整体缺乏计划性。 - I won't have you living hand-to-mouth like me, you hear?
我不想让你像我一样无隔宿之粮,听到了吗? - Over a week of meetings, Singapore-based traders and executives told me about a slowdown in demand in China and India; pretty bearish sentiment; plentiful supply; mounting inventories; hand-to-mouth consumers in Asia, and defaults and deferrals in shipments.
在为期一周的会议上,新加坡交易商和企业高管告诉我,中国和印度需求放缓;情绪相当悲观;供给充足;库存不断增加;亚洲消费者仅能糊口,交货违约和延期。 - From being a poor, struggling, little hand-to-mouth enterprise, it had become celebrated, and overcrowded with customers.
这原本是一家穷得叮当响、苦巴苦结勉强糊口的小吃店,现在名声大振、顾客盈门了。 - The worst-paid live a hand-to-mouth existence without medical or other benefits.
收入最低者过着只能勉强糊口的日子,没有医疗补助或其他福利。 - It is the product of the shape of our bodies, how hand-to-mouth behaviour is built into ( and rewarded in) our brains and the psychology of habit.
它是我们身体构造的产物,是手对嘴行为如何在人类大脑中建立以及习惯心理的产物。 - Arts organisations have often lived hand-to-mouth and have long had to become more business-savvy to guarantee their survival.