

英 [ˈfɜːðəz]

美 [ˈfɜːrðərz]

v.  促进; 增进


    Furtheris a comparative form offar. It is also a verb.
    further 是 far 的比较级,亦用作动词。

  • ADV-COMPAR 进一步地;在更大程度上;在更大范围内
    Furthermeans to a greater extent or degree.
    1. Inflation is below 5% and set to fall further...
      通货膨胀率在 5%以下,而且还将进一步下降。
    2. The rebellion is expected to further damage the country's image...
    3. The government's economic policies have further depressed living standards.
  • ADV-COMPAR (发展中)进一步地,向前推进地
    If you go or getfurtherwithsomething, or take somethingfurther, you make some progress.
    1. They lacked the scientific personnel to develop the technical apparatus much further.
  • ADV-COMPAR (讨论中)进一步地,更极端地,更彻底地
    If someone goesfurtherin a discussion, they make a more extreme statement or deal with a point more thoroughly.
    1. On February 7th the Post went further, claiming that Mr Wood had grabbed and kissed another 13 women...
      2 月 7 日的《邮报》走得更远,声称伍德先生还强行抓住亲吻过另外 13 名女性。
    2. To have a better comparison, we need to go further and address such issues as repairs and insurance.
  • ADJ 更多的;附加的;另外的
    Afurtherthing, number of things, or amount of something is an additional thing, number of things, or amount.
    1. His speech provides further evidence of his increasingly authoritarian approach...
    2. They believed there were likely to be further attacks...
    3. There was nothing further to be done for this man.
  • ADV-COMPAR (距离上)更远地,再往前地
    Furthermeans a greater distance than before or than something else.
    1. Now we live further away from the city centre...
    2. He came to a halt at a crossroads fifty yards further on...
      他在往前 50 码远的十字路口停了下来。
    3. An old man shuffled out of a doorway further along the corridor...
    4. Further to the south are some of the island's loveliest unspoilt coves.
  • ADV-COMPAR (时间上)更(早或晚)
    Furtheris used in expressions such as 'further back' and 'further ahead' to refer to a point in time that is earlier or later than the time you are talking about.
    1. Looking still further ahead, by the end of the next century world population is expected to be about ten billion.
      再往前看,到下个世纪末世界人口预计将达约 100 亿。
  • VERB 促进;推进;增进
    If youfurthersomething, you help it to progress, to be successful, or to be achieved.
    1. In return, they are themselves accused of furthering their own (leftist) political interests...
    2. Education needn't only be about furthering your career.
  • ADV 而且;再者;此外
    You usefurtherto introduce a statement that relates to the same general topic and that gives additional information or makes an additional point.
    1. Dodd made no appeal of his death sentence and, further, instructed his attorney to sue anyone who succeeds in delaying his execution.
  • PREP-PHRASE (用于书信中)关于贵方信中所提/关于我们所谈到的
    Further tois used in letters in expressions such as 'further to your letter' or 'further to our conversation', in order to indicate what you are referring to in the letter.
    1. Further to your letter, I agree that there are some presentational problems, politically speaking.


  • While this aspect furthers your individual ego-expression, it also allows you to cooperate in gaining whatever you wish to gain together.
  • The emergence of Feminine Economy furthers the development of feminine tourist market.
  • A person who receives support and protection from an influential patron who furthers the protege's career.
  • Meanwhile he furthers to the analysis of the standards to diagnose psychopathic personality, its causes and correction.
  • As the birthplace of the skyscraper, Chicago continues to be the leader in innovative architecture and TILT furthers that tradition.
  • Furthers the empowerment of women, especially as it contributes to health;
  • There is an embarrassing lack of empirical research on the issue of the mechanism bywhich copyright law furthers the end of the public welfare designated in the constitution.
  • Moreove, in recent years the NOCs have used their political clout to become the principal force behind a "going out" policy that furthers their economic interests.
  • In addition, this dissertation furthers its systemic study on metaphorical competence in various aspects, analyses linguistic and non-linguistic factors affecting metaphoric comprehension, and makes a deep exploration into the development of metaphor production, its acquisition and the ability to use metaphors appropriately.
  • Observing the East-Asian security situation China is now facing from the angle of comprehensive security replenishes and furthers the observing from the angle of geopolitics.