vt. 使(协议、计划等)成书面文字形式; 使成为正式,使具有一定形式
过去分词:formalised 现在分词:formalising 过去式:formalised 第三人称单数:formalises
- → see:formalize
- declare or make legally valid
- make formal or official
- We formalized the appointment and gave him a title
- I would like to formalise how specific charities can benefit from a percentage of my investments, giving them long-term benefits.
我希望能正式确定,自己的投资会给特定的慈善团体带来怎样的益处,令它们长期受益。 - Is it to gain an academic qualification to formalise your years of work experience?
得到学历资格,从而使多年的工作经验能够换到对应的资格证书? - The peace plan Mr Putin announced in September, which was instrumental in securing a ceasefire, is an attempt to formalise the new status quo.
普京在今年9月宣布的和平计划有助于促成停火,这是企图将新现状正式确定下来。 - Asean and China agreed a preliminary declaration of conduct in the South China Sea in 2002 but attempts to formalise it into a code of conduct have made little progress thus far.
2002年东盟与中国达成了初步的《南海各方行为宣言》,但落实这一宣言、制定一份正式的行为准则的努力迄今进展甚微。 - Once the final cut is made a JSR will be submitted to formalise the changes into the language.
一旦最终决议达成,他们就会递交JSR以将这些变化正式反映到语言中。 - This would naturally be reliant on the stronger AAA-rated countries, but in practice would merely formalise the responsibility these have already assumed.
这自然要依靠实力较强的aaa评级国家,但实际上只是将这几个国家已经承担的责任写入法律。 - Now you need to get the business to formalise its'customer selection criteria and integrate the criteria into the systems of the business.
现在你需要让企业正式确定其顾客选择标准,并将这些标准溶入到企业的系统中。 - She feels the time has come to formalise her relationship with Tempelsman.
她觉得是时候正式确定和坦佩尔斯曼的关系了。 - Furthermore, the ISA Security Compliance Institute ( ISCI) is emerging to formalise SCADA security testing.
此外,ISA安全遵从研究所(ISCI)正在致力于规范SCADA安全性测试。 - The main task of the implementation coordination team is to oversee the work of various expert teams and to formalise action plans for practical implementation.