英 [ˈfɪnɪŋ]
美 [ˈfɪnɪŋ]
n. 鱼鳍式划水; 筋条加强
v. 给……装上鳍片;潜泳(fin的现在分词形式)
- The finning defects on inner surfaces of castings caused by resin sand cores were introduced, their names and definitions were discussed.
介绍了铸件内腔表面因树脂砂芯引起的飞翅缺陷,并对其名称和形成机理进行了探讨。 - I welcome the fact that across Europe commitments are being made to review existing regulations on shark finning. I strongly believe it's a wasteful and damaging practice.
我赞成这一事实,即横贯欧洲,制定承诺以审视现存的关于鲨鱼鳍的规则。我强烈相信这是浪费且毁灭性的行为。 - The 'Taiwanese ship was suspected of illegal shark finning in the area.
该台湾船只被怀疑在该海域非法捕捞鲨鱼鱼鳍。 - Finning is the inhumane practice of hacking off the shark's fins and throwing its still living body back into the sea.
捕杀者活生生的将鲨鱼鱼鳍和鱼尾割下,再将它们扔回海里,动弹不得的鲨鱼只能像石头一般沉入海底。 - Sarah Sikich says the practice of finning is popular among fishermen who would catch the shark, slice off the fin and throw the fish back into the ocean to die.
萨拉还说到,割鱼鳍的做法在渔民中很普遍,他们捕到鲨鱼后割掉鱼鳍,然后又将鲨鱼扔回大海中,任其死去。 - Finally, by developing policy limitation research of horizontal well development technique for finning upward sequence channel reservoir, horizontal well development techniques were formed.
最后通过开展正粒序厚油层水平井开发技术政策界限研究,形成了正粒序厚油层水平井开发配套技术。 - Nor do they realize the cruelty of the finning process Yao said.
姚明还表示:也很少有人知道鲨鱼被切下鱼鳍的过程有多残忍。 - Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning.
每年,由于鱼翅买卖,数千万条鲨鱼在海底静静地等待死亡。 - A ban on shark finning in UK waters is to be introduced by the government, ministers will announce this week.
本周,英国大臣将宣布英国政府要在英国水域禁止猎取鱼翅。 - In this paper, we construct a finite element incremental space Wh of the coarse grid finite element space XH ( h< H) with the P2-element by using h-type finning method and prove that there holds the enhanced Poincare inequality in Wh.