英 [fɪbz]
美 [fɪbz]
n. 谎言; (无关紧要的)小谎,瞎话
v. 撒谎; 说瞎话
- N-COUNT 小谎;无伤大雅的谎话
Afibis a small, unimportant lie.- She told innocent fibs like anyone else.
- She told innocent fibs like anyone else.
- VERB 说谎;撒谎;说假话
If someoneis fibbing, they are telling lies.- He laughs loudly when I accuse him of fibbing.
- He laughs loudly when I accuse him of fibbing.
- He is a person who tells fiBs.
他是个撒小谎的人。 - Fibs can help us protect a loved one, as Sadie Alexander of Paris, Texas, can attest.
正如德克萨斯州巴黎的塞迪·亚历山大(SadieAlexander)可以证实的那样,一点小谎还能帮助我们保护爱人。 - But it's men who tell the most fibs, coming out with five every day compared with women who lie just three times.
但(调查发现,)男性更爱说谎&他们平均每天会说谎五次,而女性仅为三次。 - Brits really don't mind telling fibs, for not only does the average Brit man lie five times a day, but the women too lie at least thrice a day.
看来英国人真的不把说谎当回事&因为不仅男性平均每天说谎五次,女性每天也会说谎三次。 - She told innocent fibs like anyone else.
她也像别人一样,说些无伤大雅的谎话。 - I asked hundreds of them about the little fibs they tell their wives or significant others.
我问过几百个男人有关他们向老婆或者热恋中的另一半扯过的谎。 - But in the current study, researchers found that these parental fibs are hardly few and far between.
但是在当前的研究中,研究者发现那些父母的谎话多如牛毛,不尽相同。 - Exposing fibs, exaggerations and indiscretions routinely used to undercut or derail political careers is migrating to the corporate world as a new tactic for unhappy shareholder activists to win changes they seek in the executive suite.
揭露无伤大雅的谎言、牛皮和言行失检,这些通常用于政治攻击的小伎俩现在也开始出现在企业界,愤懑不平的维权股东开始使用这些手段来达到改变公司管理层的目的。 - Clearly either Waddell or Carmichael was telling fibs.
显而易见,不是沃德尔就是卡迈克尔在撒谎。 - The firm says that by analyzing a job applicant's voice at an interview, the program can help identify fibs.