

英 [ˈfeɪsɪz]

美 [ˈfeɪsɪz]

n.  脸; 面孔; 面部表情; 有…面容的; 有…表情的
v.  面对; 面向; 正对; 面临,必须对付(某情况); 承认,正视(现实)


    NOUN USES 名词用法

    • N-COUNT 脸;面孔
      Yourfaceis the front part of your head from your chin to the top of your forehead, where your mouth, eyes, nose, and other features are.
      1. He rolled down his window and stuck his face out...
      2. A strong wind was blowing right in my face...
      3. He was going red in the face and breathing with difficulty...
      4. She had a beautiful face.
    • N-COUNT 面容;神色;神情
      If yourfaceis happy, sad, or serious, for example, the expression on your face shows that you are happy, sad, or serious.
      1. He was walking around with a sad face...
      2. The priest frowned into the light, his face puzzled.
    • N-COUNT 崖面;山侧;(建筑物的)墙面
      Thefaceof a cliff, mountain, or building is a vertical surface or side of it.
      1. ...the north face of the Eiger...
      2. He scrambled 200 feet up the cliff face.
    • 钟面;表盘
      Thefaceof a clock or watch is the surface with the numbers or hands on it, which shows the time.
      1. N-SING (地区、机构或活动领域的)外观,面貌
        If you say thatthe face ofan area, institution, or field of activity is changing, you mean its appearance or nature is changing.
        1. ...the changing face of the British countryside...
        2. This would change the face of Malaysian politics.
      2. N-SING (活动,信仰、制度等的)方面
        If you refer to something astheparticularface ofan activity, belief, or system, you mean that it is one particular aspect of it, in contrast to other aspects.
        1. Brothels, she insists, are the acceptable face of prostitution...
        2. Who ever thought people would see Arsenal as the acceptable face of football?
      3. N-UNCOUNT 面子;脸面
        If you loseface, you do something which makes you appear weak and makes people respect or admire you less. If you do something in order to saveface, you do it in order to avoid appearing weak and losing people's respect or admiration.
        1. England doesn't want a war but it doesn't want to lose face...
        2. To cancel the airport would mean a loss of face for the present governor...
        3. She claimed they'd been in love, but I sensed she was only saying this to save face.
      4. See also:about-faceface valuepoker face
      5. PHRASE (计划之事出乎意料地)告吹,砸锅,泡汤
        If something that you have plannedblows up inyourface, it goes wrong unexpectedly, with the result that you suffer.
        1. Can't you see this could blow up in your face?
      6. PHRASE 徒劳拼命地干;徒劳无功
        If you say that someone can do somethinguntilthey areblue in the face, you are emphasizing that however much they do it, it will not make any difference.
        1. You can criticise him until you're blue in the face, but you'll never change his personality.
      7. PHRASE 面朝下/仰面
        If someone or something isface down, their face or front points downwards. If they areface up, their face or front points upwards.
        1. All the time Stephen was lying face down and unconscious in the bath tub...
        2. Charles laid down his cards face up.
      8. PHRASE (表示强调或夸张)全世界
        You can use the expression 'on the face of the earth' to mean 'in the whole world', when you are emphasizing a statement that you are making or making a very exaggerated statement.
        1. No human being on the face of the earth could do anything worse than what he did.
      9. PHRASE 绝迹;灭绝
        If you say that something will be wipedoff the face of the earthor disappearfrom the face of the earth, you mean that it will stop existing.
        1. If a nuclear war breaks out, every living thing will be wiped off the face of the Earth.
      10. PHRASE 面对面;直面
        If you comeface to facewith someone, you meet them and can talk to them or look at them directly.
        1. We were strolling into the town when we came face to face with Jacques DuBois...
        2. It was the first face-to-face meeting between the two men.
      11. PHRASE 面对,面临(困难或现实)
        If you comeface to face witha difficulty or reality, you cannot avoid it and have to deal with it.
        1. Eventually, he came face to face with discrimination again...
        2. I was gradually being brought face to face with the fact that I had very little success.
      12. PHRASE 完全违背;与(公认的观念或规则)相冲突
        If an action or beliefflies in the face ofaccepted ideas or rules, it seems to completely oppose or contradict them.
        1. ...scientific principles that seem to fly in the face of common sense...
        2. He said that the decision flew in the face of natural justice.
      13. PREP-PHRASE 面对;在…面前
        If you take a particular action or attitudein the face ofa problem or difficulty, you respond to that problem or difficulty in that way.
        1. The Prime Minister has called for national unity in the face of the violent anti-government protests...
        2. Roosevelt was defiant in the face of the bad news.
      14. PHRASE 公然嘲笑;公开蔑视
        If someonelaughs inyourface, they are openly disrespectful towards you.
        1. With juveniles under eighteen, there's little we can do. We can't keep them in custody. They just laugh in your face.
      15. PHRASE 不高兴的神情;严肃的神情;板起的脸
        If you havea long face, you look very unhappy or serious.
        1. He came to me with a very long face.
      16. PHRASE 做鬼脸,扮鬼脸(英国英语中亦使用pull a face)
        If youmake a face, you show a feeling such as dislike or disgust by putting an exaggerated expression on your face, for example by sticking out your tongue. In British English, you can also saypull a face.
        1. Opening the door, she made a face at the musty smell...
        2. Kathryn pulled a face at Thomas behind his back.
      17. PHRASE 乍看起来;最初看来
        You sayon the face of itwhen you are describing how something seems when it is first considered, in order to suggest that people's opinion may change when they know or think more about the subject.
        1. On the face of it that seems to make sense. But the figures don't add up...
        2. It is, on the face of it, difficult to see how the West could radically change its position.
      18. PHRASE (对坏情况)显得满不在乎,做出无所谓的样子(美国英语中亦作 put on a good face)
        If youput a brave face ona bad situation orput on a brave face, you try not to show how disappointed or upset you are about the situation. In American English you can also sayput on a good face.
        1. Friends will see you are putting on a brave face and might assume you've got over your grief...
        2. Scientists are putting a good face on the troubles.
      19. PHRASE (尤指错误地)反对
        You can say that someonehas settheirface againstsomething to indicate that they are opposed to it, especially when you want to suggest that they are wrong.
        1. This Government has set its face against putting up income tax.
      20. PHRASE (不受欢迎地、不情愿地或再次)露面,到场
        If youshowyourfacesomewhere, you go there and see people, although you are not welcome, are rather unwilling to go, or have not been there for some time.
        1. If she shows her face again back in Massachusetts she'll find a warrant for her arrest waiting...
        2. I felt I ought to show my face at her father's funeral.
      21. PHRASE 强绷笑脸
        If you manage to keepa straight face, you manage to look serious, although you want to laugh.
        1. What went through Tom's mind I can't imagine, but he did manage to keep a straight face...
        2. You have to wonder how anyone could say that seriously and with a straight face.
      22. PHRASE 当着…的面
        If you say somethingtosomeone'sfaceyou say it openly in their presence.
        1. Her opponent called her a liar to her face.
      23. PHRASE 脸上带着明显的…表情
        If a feelingis written all overyourfaceoris written acrossyourface, it is very obvious to other people from your expression.
        1. Relief and gratitude were written all over his face...
        2. I could just see the pain written across her face.
      24. toshut the door insomeone'sface→ see:door


      • VERB 面向;面对;朝着
        If someone or somethingfacesa particular thing, person, or direction, they are positioned opposite them or are looking in that direction.
        1. They stood facing each other...
        2. The garden faces south.
      • VERB 面对;面向
        If youfacesomeone or something, you turn so that you are looking at them.
        1. She stood up from the table and faced him...
        2. Stand up. Face the wall.
      • VERB (不得不)面对,正视
        If you have tofacea person or group, you have to stand or sit in front of them and talk to them, although it may be difficult and unpleasant.
        1. Christie looked relaxed and calm as he faced the press...
        2. He was hauled in to face the judge.
      • VERB 面临;面对;摆在…面前
        If youfaceorare facedwith something difficult or unpleasant, or if itfacesyou, it is going to affect you and you have to deal with it.
        1. Williams faces life in prison if convicted of attempted murder...
        2. The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident...
        3. We are faced with a serious problem.
      • VERB (使)直面,接受,正视(真理或事实等)
        If youfacethe truth orfacethe facts, you accept that something is true. If youfacesomeone with the truth or with the facts, you try to make them accept that something is true.
        1. Although your heart is breaking, you must face the truth that a relationship has ended...
        2. He accused the Government of refusing to face facts about the economy...
        3. He called a family conference and faced them with the problems.
        4. Face up tomeans the same asface.
          face up to 同 face
        5. I have grown up now and I have to face up to my responsibilities...
        6. They were having to face up to the fact that they had lost everything.
      • VERB 接受;容忍
        If youcannot facesomething, you do not feel able to do it because it seems so difficult or unpleasant.
        1. I couldn't face the prospect of spending a Saturday night there, so I decided to press on...
        2. My children want me with them for Christmas Day, but I can't face it...
        3. I couldn't face seeing anyone.
      • PHRASE 让我们面对现实;承认(事实)吧
        You use the expression 'let's face it' when you are stating a fact or making a comment about something which you think the person you are talking to may find unpleasant or be unwilling to admit.
        1. She was always attracted to younger men. But, let's face it, who is not?
      • face the music→ see:music
