n. 均衡(等于equalization)
- the act of making equal or uniform
- Next, Mr Obama could back the equalisation of tax on investment income and ordinary income.
接下来,奥巴马可以支持投资收入和普通收入的税收均等化。 - Three such developments are cited most frequently: recent labour reforms that have boosted minimum wages, an outbreak of "imported" commodity inflation, and international price equalisation that is presumed to bring the quotes of Chinese products up to world standards.
其中最常提及的3项发展是:最近的劳动工资改革,提高了最低工资标准;“进口”大宗商品通胀的发作;国际价格接轨,这想必会将中国产品的价格提高至全球水准。 - Directional wave spectrum is discretized in frequency and direction domain by an energy equalisation method, and calculation is conducted for each wave component.
基于线性波浪理论,将波浪方向谱在频率和方向上按等能量分割法离散后,分别计算各组成波的传播变形,再计算合成波要素。 - The equalisation of taxes on capital gains and salaries is not some kooky leftist scheme.
对资本利得和工资薪金同等征税,可不是什么怪异的左派做法。 - The famous "Stolper-Samuelson result", that opening a country to trade would tend to benefit the relatively plentiful factor of production, paved the way for later work on the conditions for the equalisation of wages and capital returns across countries in a world of free trade.
著名的“斯托尔珀-萨缪尔森定理”即一个国家打开贸易大门,往往使其相对丰富的生产要素受益为日后研究在一个自由贸易的世界里,如何实现各国工资与资本回报的均等铺平了道路。 - Growing inequality in the advanced industrial countries was a long predicted but seldom advertised consequence: full economic integration implies the equalisation of unskilled wages throughout the world.
很早就有预言称,先进工业化国家的不平等将日益扩大,但对这一后果的宣传并不多:完全的经济一体化意味着,全球非熟练工人的工资将会趋同。 - Then the American government helpfully imposed Regulation Q and the Interest Equalisation Tax, two measures that encouraged investors to hold a lot of their dollars offshore.
然后美国政府有帮助地强制执行了Q条例和利息平衡税,两项鼓励投资者把大量的美元投放到美国外的离岸市场的措施。 - There are now more than three workers for every pensioner and this ratio will be stable for another decade as the equalisation of women's pension age is phased-in.
目前是3个多工作的人负担一个退休者。随着女性退休年龄逐渐与男性趋同,这个比率在今后十年将保持稳定。 - In addition, the system for teachers and classrooms were designed feeling level, thus to avoid over-concentration in the use of teaching resources and achieving equalisation use.