

英 [kɔːs]

美 [kɔːrs]

n.  (有关某学科的系列)课程,讲座; (大学中要进行考试或取得资格的)课程; (船或飞机的)航向,航线
v.  快速地流动; 奔流

复数:courses 现在分词:coursing 过去式:coursed 第三人称单数:courses 过去分词:coursed 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.347 / COCA.418



      in course of sth
    • 在…的过程中
      going through a particular process
    • The new textbook is in course of preparation.
    • in/over the course of…
    • 在…期间;在…的时候
    • He's seen many changes in the course of his long life.
    • The company faces major challenges over the course of the next few years.
    • in the course of time
    • 总有一天;最后;终于
      when enough time has passed
    • It is possible that in the course of time a cure for cancer will be found.
    • in the ordinary, normal, etc. course of events, things, etc.
    • 按通常情况;在一般情况下;通常
      as things usually happen
    • In the normal course of things we would not treat her disappearance as suspicious.
    • of course
    • (强调所说的话真实或正确)当然
      used to emphasize that what you are saying is true or correct
    • ‘Don't you like my mother?’ ‘Of course I do!’
    • ‘Will you be there?’ ‘Course I will.’
    • (同意某人做某事的客气说法)当然
      used as a polite way of giving sb permission to do sth
    • ‘Can I come, too?’ ‘Course you can.’
    • ‘Can I have one of those pens?’ ‘Of course─help yourself.’
    • (礼貌地同意某人刚说的话)当然
      used as a polite way of agreeing with what sb has just said
    • ‘I did all I could to help.’ ‘Of course,’ he murmured gently.
    • (表示所说的事不令人惊讶或具有普遍性)当然,自然
      used to show that what you are saying is not surprising or is generally known or accepted
    • Ben, of course, was the last to arrive.
    • Of course, there are other ways of doing this.
    • of course not
    • (强调不同意)当然不
      used to emphasize the fact that you are saying ‘no’
    • ‘Are you going?’ ‘Of course not.’
    • ‘Do you mind?’ ‘No, of course not.’
    • on course for sth/to do sth
    • (因为已开始做而)很可能做成(或做)
      likely to achieve or do sth because you have already started to do it
    • The American economy is on course for higher inflation than Britain by the end of the year.
    • run/take its course
    • 任其发展;听其自然
      to develop in the usual way and come to the usual end
    • When her tears had run their course, she felt calmer and more in control.
    • With minor ailments the best thing is often to let nature take its course.
    • be on a collision course (with sb/sth)be on a collision course (with sb/sth)in due course
    • 在适当的时候;到一定的时候
      at the right time and not before
    • Your request will be dealt with in due course.
    • horses for courses
    • 知人善任
      the act of matching people with suitable jobs or tasks
    • (as) a matter of course
    • (作为)理所当然的事;(当作)常规
      (as) the usual and correct thing to do
    • We always check people's addresses as a matter of course.
    • (steer, take, etc.) a middle course(find, etc.) a/the middle way
    • (走)中间道路;(取)中庸之道;(采取)折中办法
      (to take/find) an acceptable course of action that avoids two extreme positions
    • be par for the course
    • 不出所料;果不其然
      to be just what you would expect to happen or expect sb to do in a particular situation
    • Starting early and working long hours is par for the course in this job.
    • pervert the course of justice
    • 作伪证;妨碍司法
      to tell a lie or to do sth in order to prevent the police, etc. from finding out the truth about a crime
    • stay the course
    • 坚持到底
      to continue doing sth until it has finished or been completed, even though it is difficult
    • Very few of the trainees have stayed the course.



        教育 education
      • (有关某学科的系列)课程,讲座
        a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject
        1. a French/chemistry, etc. course
        2. to take/do a course in art and design
        3. to go on a management training course
        4. The college runs specialist language courses .
      • (大学中要进行考试或取得资格的)课程
        a period of study at a college or university that leads to an exam or a qualification
        1. a degree course
        2. a two-year postgraduate course leading to a master's degree
      • 方向 direction
      • (船或飞机的)航向,航线
        a direction or route followed by a ship or an aircraft
        1. The plane was on/off course (= going/not going in the right direction) .
          飞机航向正确 / 偏离。
        2. He radioed the pilot to change course .
        3. They set a course for the islands.
      • 方针;行动方向
        the general direction in which sb's ideas or actions are moving
        1. The president appears likely to change course on some key issues.
        2. Politicians are often obliged to steer a course between incompatible interests.
      • 行动 action
      • 行动方式;处理方法
        a way of acting in or dealing with a particular situation
        1. There are various courses open to us.
        2. What course of action would you recommend?
        3. The wisest course would be to say nothing.
      • 发展 development
      • 进展;进程
        the way sth develops or should develop
        1. an event that changed the course of history
        2. The unexpected course of events aroused considerable alarm.
      • 菜肴 part of meal
      • 一道菜
        any of the separate parts of a meal
        1. a four-course dinner
        2. The main course was roast duck.
      • 高尔夫球 for golf高尔夫球 for golf比赛 for races
      • 比赛场地;跑道;赛船水道;泳道
        an area of land or water where races are held
        1. She was overtaken on the last stretch of the course.
      • 江河 of river
      • 江河流向
        the direction a river moves in
        1. The path follows the course of the river.
      • 医疗 medical treatment
      • (医疗、服药等的)疗程
        a series of medical treatments, pills, etc.
        1. to prescribe a course of antibiotics
      • 墙壁 in wall
      • (砖、石等墙的)层
        a continuous layer of bricks, stone, etc. in a wall
        1. A new damp-proof course could cost £1 000 or more.
          新的防潮层可花掉1 000英镑以上。


      • 快速地流动;奔流
        to move or flow quickly


        • 当然(在英语口语中常用于代替 of course)
          Courseis often used in the expression 'of course', or instead of 'of course' in informal spoken English. See 见of course.
          1. N-UNCOUNT (尤指船或飞机的)航向,航线,路线
            Thecourseof a vehicle, especially a ship or aircraft, is the route along which it is travelling.
            1. Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right...
            2. The tug was seaward of the Hakai Passage on a course that diverged from the Calvert Island coastline.
          2. N-COUNT 行为方式;处理方式
            Acourse ofaction is an action or a series of actions that you can do in a particular situation.
            1. My best course of action was to help Gill by being loyal, loving and endlessly sympathetic...
            2. He must fall on his sword. That's the only course left open to him...
            3. Vietnam is trying to decide on its course for the future.
          3. N-SING 进程;发展的方向
            You can refer to the way that events develop as, for example,the course of historyorthe course of events.
            1. ...a series of decisive naval battles which altered the course of history...
            2. In the natural course of events cows would wish to be milked more than twice a day...
            3. His adult life mirrored the downward course of his father's life.
          4. See also:...a course in business administration...I'm shortly to begin a course on the modern novel.access coursecorrespondence courserefresher coursesandwich course
          5. N-COUNT 疗程
            Acourse ofmedical treatment is a series of treatments that a doctor gives someone.
            1. Treatment is supplemented with a course of antibiotics to kill the bacterium...
            2. She went to her doctor, who offered to put her on a course of tranquillizers.
          6. N-COUNT 一道菜
            Acourseis one part of a meal.
            1. The lunch was excellent, especially the first course.
            2. ...a three-course dinner.
          7. N-COUNT (体育)比赛场地;高尔夫球场
            In sport, acourseis an area of land where races are held or golf is played, or the land over which a race takes place.
            1. Only 12 seconds separated the first three riders on the Bickerstaffe course...
            2. In July comes the Tour de France, when 200 cyclists cover a course of 2,000 miles.
          8. N-COUNT 河道
            Thecourseof a river is the channel along which it flows.
            1. Romantic chateaux and castles overlook the river's twisting course.
          9. VERB 快速地流动;奔流
            If a liquidcoursessomewhere, it flows quickly.
            1. The tears coursed down his cheeks...
            2. When you're sitting still, you need less blood coursing through your arteries.
          10. PREP-PHRASE 在…过程中
            If something happensin the course ofa particular period of time, it happens during that period of time.
            1. In the course of the 1930s steel production in Britain approximately doubled...
            2. We struck up a conversation, in the course of which it emerged that he was a sailing man.
          11. PHRASE 照例;自然;理所当然
            If you do somethingas a matter of course, you do it as part of your normal work or way of life.
            1. If police are carrying arms as a matter of course then doesn't it encourage criminals to carry them?
          12. PHRASE 在正确航道(或航线)上/偏离航道(或航线)
            If a ship or aircraft ison course, it is travelling along the correct route. If it isoff course, it is no longer travelling along the correct route.
            1. The ill fated ship was sent off course into shallow waters and rammed by another vessel.
          13. PREP-PHRASE 很可能做成;可能获得
            If you areon course forsomething, you are likely to achieve it.
            1. England are well on course for a place at the World Cup Finals...
            2. The company is on course for profits of £20m in the next financial year.
          14. PHRASE 任其发展;听其自然
            If somethingruns its courseortakes its course, it develops naturally and comes to a natural end.
            1. They estimated that between 17,000 and 20,000 cows would die before the epidemic had run its course...
            2. As for the imprisoned leaders, he asserted that justice would have to take its course.
          15. PHRASE 坚持到底
            If youstay the course, you finish something that you have started, even though it has become very difficult.
            1. The oldest president in American history had stayed the course for two terms.
          16. PHRASE 总有一天;最后;终于
            If something changes or becomes truein the course of time, it changes or becomes true over a long period of time.
            1. In the course of time, many of their myths become entangled.
          17. in due course→ see:due



          • a mode of action
            1. if you persist in that course you will surely fail
            2. once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place
            Synonym:course of action
          • education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings
            1. he took a course in basket weaving
            2. flirting is not unknown in college classes
            Synonym:course of studycourse of instructionclass
          • facility consisting of a circumscribed area of land or water laid out for a sport
            1. the course had only nine holes
            2. the course was less than a mile
          • (construction) a layer of masonry
            1. a course of bricks
          • part of a meal served at one time
            1. she prepared a three course meal
          • a body of students who are taught together
            1. early morning classes are always sleepy
          • a connected series of events or actions or developments
            1. the government took a firm course
            2. historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available
          • general line of orientation
            1. the river takes a southern course
            2. the northeastern trend of the coast
          • a line or route along which something travels or moves
            1. the hurricane demolished houses in its path
            2. the track of an animal
            3. the course of the river


          • hunt with hounds
            1. He often courses hares
          • move along, of liquids
            1. Water flowed into the cave
            2. the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi
          • move swiftly through or over
            1. ships coursing the Atlantic



          • She did a secretarial course.
          • Vietnam is trying to decide on its course for the future.
          • In July comes the Tour de France, when 200 cyclists cover a course of 2,000 miles.
          • The course in philosophy opened up new horizons for the students.
          • The oldest president in American history had stayed the course for two terms.
          • They estimated that between 17,000 and 20,000 cows would die before the epidemic had run its course
          • The company is on course for profits of £ 20m in the next financial year.
          • The lunch was excellent, especially the first course.
          • The tears coursed down his cheeks
          • I'm shortly to begin a course on the modern novel.