

英 [ˈkɒmentɪŋ]

美 [ˈkɑːmentɪŋ]

v.  表达意见


  • VERB 发表意见;作出评论
    If youcomment onsomething, you give your opinion about it or you give an explanation for it.
    1. So far, Mr Cook has not commented on these reports...
    2. Stratford police refuse to comment on whether anyone has been arrested...
    3. You really can't comment till you know the facts...
    4. 'I'm always happy with new developments,' he commented...
    5. Stuart commented that this was very true.
  • N-VAR 评论;意见
    Acommentis something that you say which expresses your opinion of something or which gives an explanation of it.
    1. He made his comments at a news conference in Amsterdam...
    2. I was wondering whether you had any comments about that?...
    3. There's been no comment so far from police about the allegations...
    4. Lady Thatcher, who is abroad, was not available for comment.
  • N-SING (通常是不好的事的)体现,写照
    If an event or situation is acomment onsomething, it reveals something about that thing, usually something bad.
    1. He argues that family problems are typically a comment on some unresolved issues in the family.
  • CONVENTION 无可奉告(通常用于回答记者的提问)
    People say 'no comment' as a way of refusing to answer a question, usually when it is asked by a journalist.
    1. No comment. I don't know anything.
  • If youcommenton a situation, or make acommentabout it, you give your opinion on it.Mr Cook has not commented on these reports... I was wondering whether you had any comments.If youmentionsomething, you say it, but only briefly, especially when you have not talked about it before.He mentioned that he might go to New York.If youremarkon something, or make aremarkabout it, you say what you think or what you have noticed, often in a casual way.Visitors remark on how well the children look... General Sutton's remarks about the conflict.
    comment 表示发表评论或意见。例如:Mr Cook has not commented on these reports (库克先生并未就这些报道发表评论),I was wondering whether you had any comments (请问您对此有何见解)。mention 表示简要地说起某事,尤其是以前没有说过的内容。例如:He mentioned that he might go to New York (他提到过可能会去纽约)。remark 通常指随意地说出自己的想法或注意到的事情。例如,Visitors remark on how well the children look (前来探望的人说孩子们看上去很健康),General Sutton's remarks about the conflict (萨顿将军对这场冲突的看法)。


  • 'She kept commenting on how uncomfortable the throne looked, that was funny,' she said.
  • Sir, we were just commenting on how you'd mellowed.
  • A girl he knew had upset him by commenting on his increasing girth.
  • These new capabilities provide significant enhancements to the capabilities introduced in V3, which provided a centralized design repository, commenting and review capabilities, and the ability to explore relationships between models and other ALM artifacts.
  • 'People questioning what we do, commenting all negative,' she wrote.
  • Most teachers should be aware that when you are commenting on a student, the students also identify you.
  • Enabling collaboration through commenting is another important requirement of artwork change management.
  • Any media should contact with us and verify relevant facts before reporting or commenting on this.
  • Show provides support for uploading, encoding, tagging, viewing and commenting on videos.
  • Each page starts with'Silly Baby Magpie ', commenting on an action or behaviour of the bird.