英 [klæmd]
美 [klæmd]
v. (在沙滩上)挖蛤; 保持沉默,闭嘴不言; 嘴紧
- 蛤;蚌;蛤蜊
Clamsare a kind of shellfish which can be eaten.
- He clammed up when I asked him where he gets his stories.
当我问他是从哪里获得这些资料时,他守口如瓶,不肯透露一点风声。 - They tried to get him to confess, but he just clammed up.
他们试图让他找招认,但他就是拒不开口。 - The pedlar clammed up when I mentioned the police.
我一提到警察小贩就不作声了。 - As soon as I told her my name, she clammed up.
我告诉她我的名字后,她就什么也不说了。 - When the arrested man's girl friend was questioned about his whereabouts at eight o'clock the previous evening, she immediately clammed up.
当被逮捕之人的女朋友被问及他头晚八点钟的行踪时,她立即沉默下来。 - He clammed up when I asked him who else was involved.
我问他还有谁参与时,他缄默不语。 - She clammed up when I gave her the eye. Linda: When using pastel shadows, Jeanine says, stay away from heavy black eye liner.
我向她使了个眼色,她就不再往下说了。琳达:当使用粉色眼影时,珍宁建议大家不要涂浓黑的眼线。 - When Vinnie entered the room, Mary clammed up.
文尼已进入房间,玛丽就闭嘴了。 - But he has clammed up and won't talk& he's afraid the killer's mob will come after him if he testifies in court.
可是,他嘴巴很紧,什么也不肯说,他怕要是他出庭作证,那个谋杀集团不会放过他。 - She clammed up when people mentioned her son.