英 [ˈtʃekəd]
美 [ˈtʃekərd]
adj. 方格(棋盘格)式的;(格子花)花纹
adj. 有波折的;有变化的
- → see:chequered
- marked by changeable fortune
- a checkered business career
- patterned with alternating squares of color
- He'd had a checkered past in the government.
他过去在政界浮沉。 - I cannot make up my mind whether to buy this dark checkered suit or this maroon colored one?
我不能决定是买这套黑色方格衣服还是这套茶色的。 - Slip basting is also used in matching plaids, stripes, and prints; in this case, it is the most efficient to baste from the right side of the fabric. The checkered pattern of that suspender recurred incessantly to his mind.
隐式假缝也用于对格子、对条纹和对花型,在面料的正面假缝最有效。那根背带的棋盘格花纹不停地在他脑子里显现出来。 - Walking several feet behind her, a man in a checkered shirt pulled out Liberian dollar bills from a backpack with his gloved hand and tossed the money to the loudest protesters.
在她的身后数英尺的地方,一个身穿格子衬衫、戴着手套的男子,从背包里掏出利比里亚钞票,抛给声音最响亮的抗议者。 - Charleston is full of buildings with a checkered past, and one of the most well known is surely the Dock Street Theater.
查尔斯顿的建筑大多有着错综复杂的过去,而其中最出名的肯定是船坞街戏院。 - High Prices Consumers who get past the sometimes checkered history of eco-friendly products often encounter a fourth barrier: their frequently higher prices.
消费者有时放弃购买环境友好产品通常是遇到了第四项障碍:通常较高的价格。 - She wore a checkered jumper and had ribbons in her hair.
她穿着格子连衣裙,头上系着丝带。 - I am drunk with excitement at this opportunity, he adds in the same release. I know the history of actors making music is a checkered one, but I promise no one will get hurt.
他在报道里面说,得到这个机会我都飘飘然了,我知道演员玩音乐道路很曲折,不过我保证大家都不会损失啥。 - She'd had a checkered past.
她有一个充满挫折的过去。 - This can appear a little like a checkered pattern that flickers in and out of time and space.