英 [ˌsɛrəˈməʊniəlz]
美 [ˌsɛrəˈmoʊniəlz]
n. 礼仪; 礼节
- ADJ 仪式的;礼节的
Something that isceremonialrelates to a ceremony or is used in a ceremony.- He represented the nation on ceremonial occasions...
他在正式场合代表国家。 - Feathers of various kinds are used by Native Americans for ceremonial purposes.
- He represented the nation on ceremonial occasions...
- ADJ (职位、功能或事件)礼仪性的,象征性的
A position, function, or event that isceremonialis considered to be representative of an institution, but has very little authority or influence.- Up to now the post of president has been largely ceremonial.
- Up to now the post of president has been largely ceremonial.
- N-VAR 仪式;典礼;礼节
Ceremonialconsists of all the impressive things that are done, said, and worn on very formal occasions.- ...papal ceremonial.
教皇加冕仪式 - ...the ceremonials leading up to the young Emperor's wedding.
- ...papal ceremonial.
- N-COUNT 同 ceremony
Aceremonialis a ceremony.- ...a religious ceremonial.
- ...a religious ceremonial.
- Many pagan ceremonials were eventually adopted by the church.
许多异教的仪式最终被基督教采用了。 - Vanity, it may be, chose to mortify itself, by putting on, for ceremonials of pomp and state, the garments that had been wrought by her sinful hands.
一些人可能是为了抑制自己的虚荣心,才在一些堂皇庄重的场合专门穿戴由她那双有罪的手缝制的服装。 - In the chapter of the ceremonials of religion and worship activity, I introduced the ceremonials of religion and worship activity briefly, and studied the evolvement and actuality of them.
在“民间信仰仪式和崇拜活动”一章中,简要介绍了仪式和崇拜活动的情况,并且对仪式和崇拜活动的演变、发展和现实状况作了分析和研究。 - Chamberlain for Ceremonials, a administrative department regulated ritual music in the feudal society, was not only object of researchers to study bureaucratic system in the field of history, but also was focus of music scholars to concern.