v. 使处于中央的控制之下,把…集中于中央
过去分词:centralised 现在分词:centralising 第三人称单数:centralises 过去式:centralised
- → see:centralize
- make central
- The Russian government centralized the distribution of food
- The company built a new HQ to centralise their administration.
公司建了新总部把管理集中起来。 - It was just this contact that was needed to centralise the numerous local struggles, all of the same character, into one national struggle between classes.
只要有了这种联系,就能把许多性质相同的地方性的斗争汇合成全国性的斗争,汇合成阶级斗争。 - The overhaul follows MRM's decision earlier this year to centralise its China operations in Beijing, reducing its presence in Shanghai.
此次大规模的调整是继MRM于今年初决定在北京集中其中国业务减少在上海的业务后进行的。 - Over time Wal-Mart should be able to centralise buying and order huge volumes for lots of stores instead of each hypermarket managing its own orders.
假以时日,沃尔玛应该能够集中采购货品,并为众多商店下大额订单,而不是由每家大型超市管理自己的订单。 - With or without treaty change, the euro zone is being forced to centralise powers.
条约改变与否,欧元区都被迫将权利集中。 - We believe in autonomy and decentralisation but centralise a few core values.
我们信奉自主与分散的经营模式,但保留核心部分集中管理。 - Other applications include sharing data and information more easily: in real estate, for example, agents can collect all their property details and pictures on to one server; insurance offices can centralise pictures from claims.
数据和信息共享等其它应用软件更加简单:例如,地产经纪公司可以将其全部地产信息和图片放在一台服务器上;保险公司可以将索赔照片集中在一起。 - In a more integrated eurozone, the government fears there could be moves to tighten and centralise financial supervision in ways that harm the UK.
英国政府担心,在更为一体化的欧元区,会有收紧和集中金融监管的举措,伤及英国利益。 - Many scrambled to centralise their intangible assets – the intellectual property, brands, trademarks and knowhow that account for 80 per cent of the value of big companies – in low-tax countries such as Singapore, Switzerland and the Irish Republic.
很多企业争先恐后地将自己的无形资产集中放在新加坡、瑞士和爱尔兰等低税收国家。对大企业而言,知识产权、品牌、商标以及专有技术等无形资产要占它们公司价值的80%。 - Chandler was an early advocate of the centralise/ decentralise dichotomy, encouraging companies to co-ordinate strategic planning from the centre while leaving individual business units free to get on with the day-to-day running of their business.