

英 [bʌsts]

美 [bʌsts]

n.  (石或金属的)半身像; (尤指衣服或尺寸)女子的胸部,胸围; (警方的)突击搜捕,突击搜查
v.  打破; 摔碎; 突击搜查(或搜捕); (使)降级,降低军阶


    The form bust is used as the present tense of the verb, and can also be used as the past tense and past participle. bust的过去式和过去分词可与原形相同。

  • VERB 打碎;破坏
    If youbustsomething, you break it or damage it so badly that it cannot be used.
    1. They will have to bust the door to get him out.
  • VERB 逮捕;拘留
    If someoneis busted, the police arrest them.
    1. They were busted for possession of cannabis.
  • VERB (警察)搜查
    If policebusta place, they go to it in order to arrest people who are doing something illegal.
    1. ...police success in busting UK-based drug factories.
    2. Bustis also a noun.
    3. Six tons of cocaine were seized last week in Panama's biggest drug bust.
  • ADJ 破产的;倒闭的
    A company or fund that isbusthas no money left and has been forced to close down.
    1. It is taxpayers who will pay most of the bill for bailing out bust banks.
  • PHRASE 破产;倒闭
    If a companygoes bust, it loses so much money that it is forced to close down.
    1. ...a Swiss company which went bust last May.
  • N-COUNT 半身像;胸像
    Abustis a statue of the head and shoulders of a person.
    1. ...a bronze bust of the Queen.
  • N-COUNT (女人的)胸部
    You can usebustto refer to a woman's breasts, especially when you are describing their size.
    1. Good posture also helps your bust look bigger.
  • tobust a gut→ see:gut


  • Capitalism has been subject to booms and busts for at least the past 300 years, notable early examples of which were the Dutch tulip mania and the British South Sea Bubble of the early 18th century.
  • The currency peg to the US dollar has survived inflation, deflation, and booms and busts in the property market.
  • Busts and monuments remind us of William Shakespeare, Walter Scott and many others.
  • This special report will argue that the effects of property booms and busts can be made less damaging, but that the asset itself is inherently unsafe.
  • The cyclical booms and busts that result damage the non-financial economy, and economic policy can counteract this.
  • You are at risk from booms and busts in the property market.
  • The busts lead to banking crises and draconian budget cuts that hurt the poor who depend on government programmes.
  • Macroeconomic theory, our understanding of how economists experience booms, busts, inflation and growth, was found wanting in the global financial crisis.
  • By an irony that inflation-hating Germans have trouble seeing, Ireland and Spain suffered property and banking busts at least partly because monetary policy was too German.
  • Or as ITO says, the endeavour that is "not so much interdisciplinary, but Anti-disciplinary", since it busts traditional definitions of research and entrepreneurship.