

英 [bʊk]

美 [bʊk]

n.  书; 书籍; 印刷(或电子)出版物; 著作; 本子; 簿子
v.  (向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约,预订; 给(某人)预订飞机等座位; 和(歌手等)预约演出日期

复数:books 过去分词:booked 过去式:booked 现在分词:booking 第三人称单数:books 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.235 / COCA.241



reservev. 预订
Please reserve me a seat there.
He has reserved a big private room in that five-star hotel.
You'd better reserve the train ticket in advance.
bookv. 预订,预约
词义同 reserve,可换用。
I've booked/reserved us two tickets.
Even if you book/reserve tickets in advance during the Spring Festival, you may still fail to get one.
This flight is always fully booked/reserved.
orderv. 订购,订货
The plant ordered a new set of equipment.
Please order me a taxi.


book inbook into
1. 登记入住(旅馆)  


    book in/into sth

    • 到(旅馆等)办理入住手续
      to arrive at a hotel, etc. and arrange to stay there

      book sb in/into sth

      • 为某人预订(旅馆房间等)
        to arrange for sb to have a room at a hotel, etc.
        1. a book by Stephen King
        2. a book about/on wildlife
        3. reference/children's/library books



          be in sb's good/bad books
        • 令某人喜欢 / 厌烦
          used to say that sb is pleased/annoyed with you
        • I'm in her good books at the moment because I cleared up the kitchen.
        • bring sb to book (for sth)
        • (为某事)惩罚某人并要求作出解释
          to punish sb for doing sth wrong and make them explain their behaviour
        • by the book
        • 循规蹈矩;严格遵守章法
          following rules and instructions in a very strict way
        • She always does everything by the book.
        • in my book
        • (发表意见时说)
          used when you are giving your opinion
        • That's cheating in my book.
        • (be) on sb's books
        • (在某机构)登记备用的
          (to be) on an organization's list, for example of people who are available for a particular type of work
        • We have very few nurses on our books at the moment.
        • Most of the houses on our books are in the north of the city.
        • throw the book at sb
        • 从严惩处(罪犯)
          to punish sb who has committed an offence as severely as possible
        • close the book on sth
        • 放弃某事令半途而废
          to stop doing sth because you no longer believe you will be successful or will find a solution
        • The police have closed the book on the case (= they have stopped trying to solve it) .
        • a closed book (to sb)
        • 对之一窍不通的事物;不了解的人
          a subject or person that you know nothing about
        • cook the books
        • 篡改;伪造;捏造
          to change facts or figures dishonestly or illegally
        • His accountant had been cooking the books for years.
        • the history books
        • 历史上重大成就的记载
          the record of great achievements in history
        • She has earned her place in the history books.
        • don't judge a book by its cover
        • 勿以貌取人;勿只凭外表判断
          used to say that you should not form an opinion about sb/sth from their appearance only
        • take a leaf from/out of sb's book
        • 效仿,模仿(成功之人的举止和行为)
          to copy sb's behaviour and do things in the same way that they do, because they are successful
        • an open book
        • 容易被了解的人;坦率的人
          if you describe sb or their life as an open book , you mean that you can easily understand them and know everything about them
        • read sb like a book
        • 轻易地了解某人的想法(或感受);看透某人
          to understand easily what sb is thinking or feeling
        • suit your/sb's book
        • 对某人方便(或有用)
          to be convenient or useful for you/sb
        • every trick in the book
        • 无所不用其极;浑身解数
          every available method, whether it is honest or not
        • He'll try every trick in the book to stop you from winning.



            印刷品 printed work
          • 书;书籍
            a set of printed pages that are fastened inside a cover so that you can turn them and read them
            1. a pile of books
            2. hardback/paperback books
              精装 / 平装书
          • 印刷(或电子)出版物;著作
            a written work published in printed or electronic form
            1. a book by Stephen King
            2. a book about/on wildlife
            3. reference/children's/library books
          • 书写用 for writing in
          • 本子;簿子
            a set of sheets of paper that are fastened together inside a cover and used for writing in
            1. an exercise book
            2. a notebook
          • 邮票、票券、火柴等 of stamps/tickets/matches, etc.
          • 装订成册的一套东西
            a set of things that are fastened together like a book
            1. a book of stamps/tickets/matches
            2. a chequebook
          • 账目 accounts
          • (企业的)账簿
            the written records of the financial affairs of a business
            1. to do the books (= to check the accounts)
          • 《圣经》等的卷、部 section of Bible, etc.
          • (长篇作品的)篇,卷,部
            a section of a large written work
            1. the books of the Bible
          • 赌博用 for betting
          • 赌注记录
            a record of bets made on whether sth will happen, sb will win a race, etc.


            • (向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约,预订
              to arrange with a hotel, restaurant, theatre, etc. to have a room, table, seat, etc. on a particular date
              1. Book early to avoid disappointment.
              2. I'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight.
              3. The performance is booked up (= there are no more tickets available) .
              4. I'm sorry─we're fully booked .
            • 给(某人)预订飞机等座位
              to arrange for sb to have a seat on a plane, etc.
              1. I've booked you on the 10 o'clock flight.
            • 和(歌手等)预约演出日期
              to arrange for a singer, etc. to perform on a particular date
              1. We've booked a band for the wedding reception.
            • 立案(控告某人)
              to write down sb's name and address because they have committed a crime or an offence
              1. He was booked for possession of cocaine.
            • 记名警告(犯规运动员)
              to write down in an official book the name of a player who has broken the rules of the game


              • N-COUNT 书;书籍;本子;簿册
                Abookis a number of pieces of paper, usually with words printed on them, which are fastened together and fixed inside a cover of stronger paper or cardboard. Books contain information, stories, or poetry, for example.
                1. His eighth book came out earlier this year and was an instant best-seller...
                2. 'Robinson Crusoe' is one of the most famous books in the world.
                3. ...the author of a book on politics.
                4. ...a book about witches.
                5. ...a new book by Rosella Brown.
                6. ...reference books.
              • N-COUNT 一册(邮票);一纸板(火柴);一本(票券)
                Abook ofsomething such as stamps, matches, or tickets is a small number of them fastened together between thin cardboard covers.
                1. Can I have a book of first class stamps please?
              • VERB 订,预订(旅馆房间、票等)
                When youbooksomething such as a hotel room or a ticket, you arrange to have it or use it at a particular time.
                1. British officials have booked hotel rooms for the women and children...
                2. Laurie revealed she had booked herself a flight home last night.
                3. ...three-star restaurants that are normally booked for months in advance.
              • N-PLURAL (公司或组织机构的)账册,账簿,名册
                A company's or organization'sbooksare its records of money that has been spent and earned or of the names of people who belong to it.
                1. For the most part he left the books to his managers and accountants...
                2. Around 12 per cent of the people on our books are in the computing industry.
              • VERB (足球裁判)记名警告(严重犯规的球员)
                When a refereebooksa football player who has seriously broken the rules of the game, he or she officially writes down the player's name.
                1. League referee Keith Cooper booked him in the first half for a tussle with the goalie.
              • VERB (警察)把…记录在案,给…做笔录
                When a police officerbookssomeone, he or she officially records their name and the offence that they may be charged with.
                1. They took him to the station and booked him for assault with a deadly weapon.
              • (《圣经》等长篇作品的)篇,卷,书
                In a very long written work such as the Bible, abookis one of the sections into which it is divided.
                1. See also:bookingcheque bookphone book
                2. PHRASE 令人厌烦/令人满意
                  If you areinsomeone'sbad books, they are annoyed with you. If you areintheirgood books, they are pleased with you.
                  1. Sir John was definitely in the Treasury's bad books for incorrect thinking on economic prospects...
                  2. Right from my very first day I seemed to be in everyone's good books.
                3. PHRASE 将…依法治罪;审讯;审问
                  If youbringsomeoneto book, you punish them for an offence or make them explain their behaviour officially.
                  1. Police should be asked to investigate so that the guilty can be brought to book soon.
                4. PHRASE 完全不了解的人;一无所知的事物;谜
                  If you say that someone or something is aclosed book, you mean that you do not know anything about them.
                  1. Frank Spriggs was a very able man but something of a closed book...
                  2. Economics was a closed book to him.
                5. PHRASE (旅馆、餐馆、剧院或交通工具)被预订一空,满座,客满
                  If a hotel, restaurant, theatre, or transport service isfully booked, orbooked solid, it is booked up.
                  1. The car ferries from the mainland are often fully booked by February.
                6. PHRASE 依我看;根据我的观点
                  In my bookmeans 'in my opinion' or 'according to my beliefs'.
                  1. The greatest manager there has ever been, or ever will be in my book, is retiring.
                7. (当权者)对(违法者)从严惩罚
                  If someone in authoritythrows the book atsomeone who has committed an offence, they give the offender the greatest punishment that they are allowed to.
                  1. tocook the books→ see:cook



                  • physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together
                    1. he used a large book as a doorstop
                  • a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge
                    1. he bought a book of stamps
                  • a major division of a long written composition
                    1. the book of Isaiah
                  • a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together)
                    1. I am reading a good book on economics
                  • a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone
                    1. Al Smith used to say, `Let's look at the record'
                    2. his name is in all the record books
                    Synonym:recordrecord book
                  • a written version of a play or other dramatic composition
                    1. a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made
                      1. they run things by the book around here
                      Synonym:rule book
                    2. a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card game
                      1. a record in which commercial accounts are recorded
                        1. they got a subpoena to examine our books
                        Synonym:ledgerlegeraccount bookbook of account


                      • engage for a performance
                        1. Her agent had booked her for several concerts in Tokyo
                      • record a charge in a police register
                        1. The policeman booked her when she tried to solicit a man
                      • arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance
                        1. reserve me a seat on a flight
                        2. The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family
                        3. please hold a table at Maxim's
                      • register in a hotel booker


                        • I borrowed his words for my book's title
                        • They took him to the station and booked him for assault with a deadly weapon.
                        • Right from my very first day I seemed to be in everyone's good books.
                        • Police should be asked to investigate so that the guilty can be brought to book soon.
                        • My book's disappeared.
                        • I have read your new book.
                        • His eighth book came out earlier this year and was an instant best-seller
                        • For the most part he left the books to his managers and accountants
                        • In this book the writer contrasts good with [ and] evil.
                        • Have you read this book?