英 [bɪɡ]
美 [bɪɡ]
adj. (体积、程度、数量等)大的,巨大的; 年龄较大的; 重大的; 严重的
adv. 大大; 给人印象深地
Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.260 / COCA.162
That police officer is a big man.
Several big men in the entertainment industry came into the studio.
He is a bulky man.
They could be in great danger.
It'll add up to a large amount.
He's a very large child.
big sb/sth↔up
- 高度赞扬;极力推荐
to praise or recommend sb/sth strongly
- be/get too big for your boots
- 自视过高;妄自尊大
to be/become too proud of yourself; to behave as if you are more important than you really are a big cheese - 大人物;要员
an important and powerful person, especially in an organization big deal! - 没什么了不起
used to say that you are not impressed by sth - So he earns more than me. Big deal!
他不就是比我多赚点钱,有什么了不起的! the big enchilada - 首要人物(或事物)
the most important person or thing a big fish (in a small pond) - (小圈子里的)大人物
an important person (in a small community) a big girl's blouse - 懦弱的男人;胆小不自信的男人
a weak man, who is not brave or confident a big noise/shot/name - 大人物;要人
an important person the big picture - 整个局面;大局
the situation as a whole - Right now forget the details and take a look at the big picture.
现在别管细节问题,先通观全局。 the big stick - 大棒政策(以武力或权力相威胁)
the use or threat of force or power - The authorities used quiet persuasion instead of the big stick.
当权者平心静气地劝说,而不是施加压力。 the big three, four, etc. - 三(或四等)强;前三个(或四个等)首要的国家(或人物、公司等)
the three, four, etc. most important countries, people, companies, etc. - She works for one of the Big Six.
她为六巨头之一工作。 give sb/get a big hand - 给某人 / 受到鼓掌喝彩
to show your approval of sb by clapping your hands; to be applauded in this way - Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a big hand to our special guests tonight…
女士们、先生们,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎今晚的特邀嘉宾… have a big mouth - 嘴不严;爱泄露秘密
to be bad at keeping secrets - 多嘴;吹牛;自吹自擂
to talk too much, especially about your own abilities and achievements me and my big mouth - 我真多嘴;真不该说出来
used when you realize that you have said sth that you should not have said no big deal - 没什么大不了;无所谓;没关系
used to say that sth is not important or not a problem - If I don't win it's no big deal.
我输了也没关系。 sb's eyes are bigger than their stomach - (表示贪吃)眼大肚皮小,眼馋肚饱
used to say that sb has been greedy by taking more food than they can eat have bigger/other fish to fry - 还有更重要的事情要做;另有他图
to have more important or more interesting things to do make a (big) thing of/about sth - 小题大做;大惊小怪;故弄玄虚
to make sth seem more important than it really is in a big/small way - 大 / 小规模地
on a large/small scale - The new delivery service has taken off in a big way.
新的递送服务迅速走红。 - Many people are investing in a small way in the stock market.
- go over big (with sb)
- (给某人)留下好印象;成功
to make a good impression on sb; to be successful - This story went over big with my kids.
这个故事我的孩子们非常喜欢。 make it big - 获得成功
to be very successful - He's hoping to make it big on TV.
他正期待着在电视上干出个名堂来。 hit (it) big - 很成功
to be very successful - The band has hit big in the US.
- 大 large
- (体积、程度、数量等)大的,巨大的
large in size, degree, amount, etc.- a big man/house/increase
高大的男人;大房子;大幅度增长 - This shirt isn't big enough.
这件衬衣不够大。 - It's the world's biggest computer company.
它是全球最大的计算机公司。 - He had this great big grin on his face.
他乐开了花。 - They were earning big money.
他们在赚大钱。 - The news came as a big blow.
年龄较大的 older - a big man/house/increase
- 年龄较大的
older- You're a big girl now.
你现在已长成大姑娘了。 - my big brother
重大 important - You're a big girl now.
- 重大的;严重的
important; serious- a big decision
重大决定 - Tonight is the biggest match of his career.
今晚是他职业生涯中最重要的比赛。 - You are making a big mistake.
你正在犯一个严重的错误。 - She took the stage for her big moment .
她把这一阶段视为她的重要历程。 - Do you really think we can take on the big boys (= compete with the most powerful people) ?
有雄心 ambitious - a big decision
- 庞大的;宏大的
needing a lot of effort, money or time to succeed- They're full of big ideas.
受欢迎 popular - They're full of big ideas.
- 大受欢迎的;成功的
popular with the public; successful- Orange is the big colour this year.
橘黄色是今年的流行色。 - The band's very big in Japan.
热衷 enthusiastic - Orange is the big colour this year.
- 热衷于…的;狂热的
enthusiastic about sb/sth- I'm a big fan of hers.
大量做 doing sth a lot - I'm a big fan of hers.
- 经常(或大量)做某事的
doing sth often or to a large degree- a big eater/drinker/spender
饭量大的 / 有酒量的 / 花钱手大的人
慷慨 generous - a big eater/drinker/spender
- 大方的;慷慨的
kind or generous- He gave me an extra five pounds for two hours' work. I thought ‘That's big of you’.
- He gave me an extra five pounds for two hours' work. I thought ‘That's big of you’.
- 大大;给人印象深地
in an impressive way- We need to think big.
- We need to think big.
- ADJ-GRADED (人或物)大的
Abigperson or thing is large in physical size.- Australia's a big country...
澳大利亚是个幅员辽阔的国家。 - Her husband was a big man...
她丈夫是个大块头。 - The car was too big to fit into our garage.
- Australia's a big country...
Something that isbigconsists of many people or things.- The crowd included a big contingent from Ipswich.
人群中有来自伊普斯威奇的一个人数众多的代表团。 - ...the big backlog of applications.
- The crowd included a big contingent from Ipswich.
- ADJ-GRADED 严重的;重大的;大幅度的
If you describe something such as a problem, increase, or change as abigone, you mean it is great in degree, extent, or importance.- Her problem was just too big for her to tackle on her own...
她的问题太严重了,光靠她自己是没法解决的。 - There could soon be a big increase in unemployment.
- Her problem was just too big for her to tackle on her own...
Abigorganization employs many people and has many customers.- Exchange is largely controlled by big banks.
货币兑换业务主要由大银行控制。 - of the biggest companies in Italy.
- Exchange is largely controlled by big banks.
- ADJ-GRADED 影响大的;职位高的
If you say that someone isbig ina particular organization, activity, or place, you mean that they have a lot of influence or authority in it.- Their father was very big in the army...
他们的父亲在军中很有影响力。 - I'm sure all the big names will come to the club.
- Their father was very big in the army...
- (强调厌恶之深)十足的,突出的
If you call someone abigbully or abigcoward, you are emphasizing your disapproval of them. - 年龄较大的;年长的
Children often refer to their older brother or sister as theirbigbrother or sister. - ADJ (字母)大写的
Capital letters are sometimes referred to asbigletters.- ...a big letter J.
- ...a big letter J.
- ADJ-GRADED (字词)大的,生僻的,不常用的
Bigwords are long or rare words which have meanings that are difficult to understand.- They use a lot of big words.
- They use a lot of big words.
- PHRASE 取得成功;出名
If youmake it big, you become successful or famous.- We're not just looking at making it big in the UK, we want to be big internationally.
- We're not just looking at making it big in the UK, we want to be big internationally.
- PHRASE 雄心勃勃;志向远大
If youthink big, you make plans on a large scale, often using a lot of time, effort, or money.- Maybe we're not thinking big enough.
- Maybe we're not thinking big enough.
- PHRASE 大规模地;广泛地
If something is happeningin a big way, it is happening on a large scale.- I think boxing will take off in a big way here.
- I think boxing will take off in a big way here.
Big,large, andgreatare all used to talk about size. In general,largeis more formal thanbig, andgreatis more formal thanlarge.Bigandlargeare normally used to describe objects, but you can also usebigto suggest that something is important or impressive....his influence over the big advertisers.You normally usegreatto emphasize the importance of someone or something....the great English architect, Inigo Jones.However, you can also usegreatto suggest that something is impressive because of its size.The great bird of prey was a dark smudge against the sun.You can uselargeorgreat, but notbig, to describe amounts....a large amount of blood on the floor. ...the coming of tourists in great numbers.Bothbigandgreatcan be used to emphasize the intensity of something, althoughgreatis more formal.It gives me great pleasure to welcome you... Most of them act like big fools.Remember thatgreathas several other meanings, when it does not refer to size, but to something that is remarkable, very good, or enjoyable.
big, large 和 great 都可以用来表示大小。总的来说,large 比 big 更为正式,great 又比 large 更正式。big 和 large 一般用来形容物体,但是 big 也可以表示某物重要或令人印象深刻:his influence over the big advertisers(他对大广告客户的影响力)。great 通常用来强调某人或某物的重要性:the great English architect, Inigo Jones(英国伟大的建筑师伊尼戈·琼斯)。但是 great 也可以用来表示某物因为巨大而令人印象深刻:The great bird of prey was a dark smudge against the sun (逆着太阳望去,那只巨大的猛禽呈一团黑影)。large 和 great 可以用来形容数量,而 big 则不可以:a large amount of blood on the floor(地板上的一大摊血),the coming of tourists in great numbers(大量涌来的游客)。big 和 great 都可以用来强调强烈程度,但 great 更加正式:It gives me great pleasure to welcome you(很荣幸能迎接您的到来),Most of them act like big fools(他们中多数人都表现得跟大傻瓜似的)。注意 great 还有其他意义,不仅用来描述大小,还可以用来表示某物不同寻常、出色或令人愉快。
- conspicuous in position or importance
- a big figure in the movement
- big man on campus
- he's very large in financial circles
- a prominent citizen
- given or giving freely
- was a big tipper
- the bounteous goodness of God
- bountiful compliments
- a freehanded host
- a handsome allowance
- Saturday's child is loving and giving
- a liberal backer of the arts
- a munificent gift
- her fond and openhanded grandfather
- generous and understanding and tolerant
- a heart big enough to hold no grudges
- that's very big of you to be so forgiving
- a large and generous spirit
- a large heart
- magnanimous toward his enemies
- marked by intense physical force
- a big wind
- significant
- graduation was a big day in his life
- above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
- a large city
- set out for the big city
- a large sum
- a big (or large) barn
- a large family
- big businesses
- a big expenditure
- a large number of newspapers
- a big group of scientists
- large areas of the world
- loud and firm
- a big voice
- big bold piano sounds
- (of animals) fully developed
- an adult animal
- a grown woman
- very intense
- a bad headache
- in a big rage
- had a big (or bad) shock
- a bad earthquake
- a bad storm
- feeling self-importance
- too big for his britches
- had a swelled head
- he was swelled with pride
- exhibiting self-importance
- big talk
- in a boastful manner
- he talked big all evening
- in a major way
- the play failed big at the box office
- on a grand scale
- think big
- extremely well
- his performance went over big
- Exchange is largely controlled by big banks.
货币兑换业务主要由大银行控制。 - The jacket was too big for him so he rolled up the cuffs
这件夹克他穿着太大了,就把袖口卷了起来。 - My rucksack was too big for the luggage rack
我的背包太大了,行李架上放不下。 - He went to Japan and soon made a big fortune.
他到了日本,不久便发了洋财。 - I never make any big decisions
我从未作过任何重大决定。 - They use a lot of big words.
他们使用很多生僻的词汇。 - I took his hand to make a big thing of introducing him to my mother
我拉着他的手,郑重其事地把他介绍给了我母亲。 - I think it's very rare to have big families nowadays.
我想,如今大家庭已经很少见了。 - She's got funny eyes and a big nose.
她有一双古怪的眼睛和一个大鼻子。 - I felt the pressure on me, winning was such a big deal for the whole family