n. 前线,前沿阵地,战线;战斗正面,作战正面
BNC.47872 / COCA.34539
- the line along which opposing armies face each other
- On the Formation and Development of the Party's Theory of Unified Battlefront
与时俱进硕果集体智慧结晶&论党的统一战线理论的形成和发展 - The battlefront has again moved forward.
战线再次向前推进。 - After her husband's sacrifice for the national cause, this heroic woman hardened herself against feeling deep sorrow and sent her beloved son to the battlefront.
在丈夫为民族事业牺牲后,这位坚强的妇女强忍悲痛,又将自己的爱子送上前线。 - So far, all-around the system of recruit students of degree of educational Master major that covered a foundation to teach battlefront has been formed.
至此,一个全方位涵盖了基础教育战线的教育硕士专业学位招生体系已经形成。 - In1861 he was sent to the Civil War battlefront as correspondent for Harper's Weekly, his work winning international acclaim.
1861年,他被遣往内站前线,担任《哈勃周刊》的通讯记者,他的作品得到国际赞誉。 - The battlefront orbit determines that ATP have higher potential energy and activity, tends to hydrolyze, releases inner free enthalpy stored in molecules and transforms into ADP and Pi with lower potential energy and bigger entropy, then supply energy for organisms.
其前线轨道决定了ATP具有较高的位能和活性,容易水解释放出分子内部的自由能,转化为低位能、混乱度更大的ADP和Pi,从而供给生物体所需能量。 - With the establishment of united anti-Japanese battlefront, the struggle has shifted from the national to anti-Japanese.
随着抗日民族统一战线的建立,国共两党的斗争也从国内对抗转向了一致抗日。 - The service collected blood from donors and delivered it to hospitals and to soldiers at the battlefront.
这项服务从献血者那里获得血源,然后将其运到前线的医院和士兵那里。 - He collected blood, which was then transported to where it was needed for the wounded along the600-mile battlefront.
他收集血液,然后沿600英里的前线送到伤员需要的地方。 - They rode to the battlefront and found that the war was well underway.