n. 信用,信托;婚约
v. 订誓约;订婚约
过去分词:affianced 现在分词:affiancing 过去式:affianced 第三人称单数:affiances
- Due to the lack of regulations, life produces large amounts of affiance dispute, judicial practice is also a lack of convincing judgment basis, leading to the judicial disunity.
由于缺少明文规定,生活中产生大量的婚约纠纷,司法实践中也缺乏令人信服的判决依据,导致司法不统一。 - Computer information network is like a double-edged sword. It brings convenience and high affiance, and at the same time it has a negative impact, which becomes a sticky issue for educators and parents. There is a growing of students addicted to computer games.
计算机信息网络是一把双刃剑,网络给人们带来便捷和高效的同时,对中学生的负面影响也成了广大教育工作者和家长颇感头疼和棘手的社会问题。 - By comparing the similar civil legal relationships, affiance was confirmed to be the most proper legal properties of collective administration.
在比较相似民事法律关系的基础上,认为集体管理组织与权利人间的法律关系性质为信托,信托法律关系为集体管理组织运行提供恰当的法律依据。 - The two families struck an affiance, and kept a record.
他们俩家定下了婚约,立此存照。 - Affiance; Affiance Problem; Character of Affiance; Force Adeffect of Affiance; Adscription of Property; Compensation of Spiritual Damage.
婚约;婚约问题;婚约性质;婚约法律效力;财产归属;精神损害赔偿。 - The venture capital must be offered by foreign and domestic funds, bond corporations and affiance corporations.
中国风险投资业的主体应当是国内外基金、债券公司和信托投资公司。 - Research on the Risk Management System of HTT Affiance Investment Company
HTT信托投资公司风险管理体系研究 - The second section, analyzing the social motive for this new lawsuit, mainly illustrates the theory for the extension of the righteousness of the two popular kinds of plaintiff in civil lawsuit of public welfare& interest of lawsuit and affiance of public lawsuit.
第二部分结合对新型诉讼的社会动因的分析,主要讨论当前比较主流的两种当事人适格扩大化的理论:诉的利益和公益诉讼信托。 - Slight punishment, ephemeral behavior and the deficiency of affiance management system are the principal causes of honesty deficiency.
而对失信行为惩罚不力、公司管理人短期行为、公司内部缺乏基本的信用管理制度是诚信缺失的最主要原因。 - It is the primary role to adjust the relationship of affiance how to confirm the time of affiance.